Reclaim your self-sovereignty

The age of giving our power away is over. This is when we reclaim our self-sovereignty. This is when we reclaim our truth.

No person or institution is going to carry the work for us. No one is our savior. The savior has been reborn within.

The Aquarian age teaches us that our individual experience becomes the collective experience. Our individual healing resonates across the cosmos. One voice can transform a galaxy. Your voice.

You have the ability to choose yourself. To choose not to participate in forces of control designed to subjugate your divinity. To choose to break free from the mind-altering, hypnotic mechanisms of domination and oppression. If we all made the choice to reclaim our power, to reclaim LOVE as the guiding force that weaves the earthly experience — then our experience would be very different. Our world would be very different.

TRUTH is the magic elixir of transformation. Truth awakens dormancy. But we have to be willing to step into the possibilities of awakening and challenge our belief systems. To see and understand both the light and darkness of our reality.

The darkness will continue to become more extreme and obvious until we realize that *we are the ones giving it power.* But we can choose... not to put someone or something else on the pedestal. To put ourselves there. To put LOVE there. Love of self (divinity) = love of existence = love of truth = love of ALL.

A Mystic Woman by Alison Nappi

A MYSTIC woman is a wild creature. She is made. She is deliberately forged by something mysterious. She is created for a purpose. She spends all her life seeking, for there is nothing else worth doing.

Each time she returns, she is a little different. What she sees must change her. She dies every day. She is reborn in every moment. Can you even begin to understand what such a life can do?

Whatever you have built around yourself to create comfort, it cannot stand in the blazing fire of a mystical woman. She is the seer of souls. She is the womb that births the Divine into the flesh and bone of matter.

She doesn't mean to burn your village to the ground, but she has seen what you are meant to become. You are not a peasant sheering sheep, as you have thought. You are a KING dressed in rags who has amnesia. It is her assumption that you have come to be reborn. If you haven't, turn back now, while the world you know still exists.

If she touches you, and all the voices on the wind go silent, if you feel you are in a snow globe when you embrace her, she is your destroyer. She will destroy the false idol you see in the mirror. She will smash it open, because it is your prison.

If you wish to stay there, she will shatter you another way. She will leave. A mystic may not for long engage with that which is too small for her, unless she is nurturing a seedling into its destiny. But the seed must be capable of fulfilling its own potential.

The Mystery, in its very nature, must show you what has never been seen, never been written, never been known, because before you were forged, it was impossible. The arts of women have been called the dark arts for too long, and they are the keys to infinity. Infinite form. Infinite being. Infinite life.

If your dreams are not filled with the slightest longing of Mystery, you might better leave, because a mystic will see things that are invisible to you. She will feel things that you cannot feel beneath the layers of numbness you have wrapped yourself in. She will call upon your true self, your divinity, and she will sing it down into you, into herself, and life will never be the same.

— Alison Nappi

Here in the present moment

The experience of beauty, the energy of bliss, is here in the present moment. It’s here when I can witness the moment without expectation, when I can release my shield and see the magic and energy in every breath and blade of grass.

The past is a distant memory to me; has always been that way. The me, here, does not exist there. Everything I was seeking then, is now.

The future is a smokescreen, an illusion of time and the mind. Why plan for it, without knowing anything about it? Why waste our lives for a future we have never met? If current events have taught us anything — it’s that we don’t know, can never know. All that we hope we might achieve THEN, is only NOW. This is the only moment I have.

It all ends eventually. That IS the only truth I know. So am I experiencing the gifts handed to me? Am I creating the dreams and desires that fill the pages of my life? Am I choosing love over fear? And what is the fear?

Am I allowing fear of death to manage my experience of life? Is the ego so sensitive that the choice becomes expectation over ecstasy?

Or is the true fear actually the great unknown — the moment I achieve everything I want, everything I came here to do?

The great work

The “work” encompasses our entire existence. This is learning ground; by our mere incarnation as human beings, we are constantly experiencing lessons. It’s the wheel of karma and dharma. By learning, by experiencing, and through self-inquiry and growth, we evolve into a greater purpose on a much larger wheel.

Through the very nature of being human, we are wholly imperfect and always learning. Every day you are learning. Every day you are expanding your perceptions. Every day you are making choices based on limited information. And so is everyone else. So am I. As we shift from energies of individual survival to collective survival, the realizations of the human experience become more numerous and extreme, and the heart breaks open seeking an experience of oneness while still fighting for survival. We are learning so much, so fast, trying to fit every action into a box of right versus wrong.

There are also other boxes to consider. There’s an important box called “lesson.” A box that is simply “information.” A box called “compassion.” A box called “trust.” A box called “acceptance.” There are boxes that allow us to grow and learn without hurting one another to avoid being hurt.

The more time we spend in authentic awareness of SELF, in healing and growing as an individual expression of consciousness, we take the most important step towards the greater work on the collective experience. Going within is the most difficult and essential work. A person prioritizing their healing won’t seek to recreate an unhealed experience. It isn’t a contest. We don’t need to prove anything. Nor is it necessary to shout our progress from the rooftops. It’s a personal journey; we get there when we are ready.

By better understanding the wheel of your individual reality, your karma (experiences) and dharma (actions), the lessons integrated WITHIN then reflect outward into a new reality of expanded awareness, compassion, and LOVE.

Dive into uncertainty

Taking risks always comes with growing pains. New tests, barriers, delays, frustrations, impatience...

When the universe whispers in my ear to leave something, create something, to stand out in some way, to innovate, to push — I know that staying in my comfort zone is no longer an option. My comfort zones never last very long anyways. Those of us who understand the power of dharma realized long ago that running, avoiding, or settling simply aren’t viable options. The great work doesn’t come easily. It isn’t handed to us by someone or something else. Because we were built to be different. We were built to be strong.

So I leap. I accept. I sit in the discomfort zone with a half-smile on my face and a knowing in my heart that big things are coming.

And sometimes I take the opportunity with tears in my eyes, because I know my heart will need to break in order to heal and fortify itself to withstand the next level.

I can’t count the many times I’ve had to look fear in the eyes and reject his seductive dance. Or the times I’ve allowed resistance to test me until I waved it away with a shaky and uncertain hand.

This isn’t about walking away from your commitments. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Often it means standing strong in your commitments and gifts even when things seem uncertain or aren’t immediately rewarding. It means trusting the inner voice that guided you to that endeavor in the first place. When you trust yourself and you trust the process, you receive it back with abundance.

Yes, walk away from things that are unaligned, constricting, and cause suffering. But don’t simply abandon the growth process because the ego can’t stand uncertainty.

DIVE into the uncertainty and embrace it with open arms, because you believe in yourself. And then others can believe in you *because you won’t abandon them.* We are all here to serve in some way. We all chose this timeline.

I love you. I believe in you. I am waiting for you.

Your most valuable possession

Your body is a perfectly designed, highly adaptable organism. It is capable of quick evolution to changing circumstances and frequencies. It heals itself with regular ease and can build strength and endurance to support your activity and lifestyle. The interconnected web of subtle energy and mind/heart consciousness has proven to be capable of miracles — many beyond science’s capacity to measure — and can achieve such feats without external influences. Human beings may be within this realm of time and degeneration, but we also have the power to transcend all of it and understand Source-consciousness. We can feel, we can love, we can experience all of the earthly sensations, pleasures, and pain — and we can also be like gods and angels.

Your body is your most valuable possession. With proper care and energy, it can achieve ecstatic states and monumental feats, solely with the purity of capabilities that were bestowed by creation. It deserves the very best you can offer. 💜

Heartbeat of creation

After every expansion, there is a contraction. There is an opportunity to pull back and integrate, to go within, to regulate and discipline your perceptions. After every contraction, there is an expansion. Expansion brings insight and change, new opportunities for growth, experiences that transform your perception of reality.

Fear may cause some of us to stay in the expansion and float above the responsibilities and disciplines that create the conditions for growth. Fear can also cause some of us to stay in the contraction and live within a defined framework, rather than face the unknown possibilities of existence.

The experience of life and LIVING is a surrender to the sacred tremor, the expansion AND the contraction, the heartbeat of creation. Everything begins and everything ends. It all follows the pulse that regulates everything from the perceived subtle to the great unknown — and the divine spark that fuels it all.

My greatest wish is to experience all of it, without fear or limitations, in the full experience of being a free and sovereign being. Existence is a reflection of the life force that is ours by divine right. Living freely is a reclamation of your divinity.

And may it be so.

Gemini musings

Gemini. Mutable air.

The wind goes where spirit leads — across meadows, over mountains, through the trees, surrounding the ocean, shaping clouds.

It creates ripples in the water, shifting sands, and blazing fires. Agitating, questioning, seeking, learning, sharing, inspiring, exploring. Its form appears as if in a dream, casting a spell, until your rote ways become restless wanderings.

You can try to contain the air, capture the magic, but it will always escape your grasp. The wind leads and you follow, arriving to destinations only imagined in the realm of faeries and song. Those brief moments of cool breezes, sly smiles, and butterfly wings burn into your memory like ancient whispers of lifetimes past — never to return.

Yet in the meantime, something awakened and stirred within you. Perhaps of glimpse of possibility, another dimension, an alternative journey, the spark of your soul. You will wait forever if you sit still, because this shapeshifting force doesn’t look back. Or you can follow the faint hymn to the ethereal doors that once awakened the flame... leaving everything behind for the mysterious magic of truth.

The story of your awakening

Life becomes uneasy.
The ground, once so steady,
Now shakes with every step.
So you reach
For the quick fix.
The possibility of recreating
What was
Instead of what could have been.

Every choice is a door.
Every door leads down a path.
Every path is your design.

So choose bravely. Choose beauty.
Pursue the dream.
Take risks for
The great love.
Give from your heart
Your many gifts.
Discover heaven, here,
On this orbiting rock.

Don’t wait for the what ifs to
Consume your every thought.

The unfamiliar is scary.
The uncertain outcome seems an
Impossible feat
For the contracted heart.
But the reward of a new way, a crack
In the chiseled armor,
Clearing away clouds of separation
And old stories
Is why you are here.
It’s the story of your awakening.

The path of YOU

There are many circumstances, distractions, tests, and excuses that can convince you to abandon your gifts. Walking away seems easier than facing your potential. Better to give up than to face the fears around success or rejection.

Sure, it’s possible to escape and float along in a pool of unrealized potential for a while and survive. OR you can double down, own your truth, embody your power, and THRIVE.

The path of YOU is the one worth traveling... if you’re ready to own it.

Five keys, two paths of yoga

Five keys to awakening, two possible paths. The mapping of these keys provides a different way of viewing two paths of yoga.

The path of wisdom (self-realization): Wisdom > Discipline > Sovereignty > Surrender > Trust

Through attaining many layers of wisdom, we begin to see the value in cultivating discipline through self-honoring and dedicated practice. Clarity of mind and body creates the conditions for wisdom to flourish into deep understanding of the cosmos and access into the many multidimensional layers of self. Self-sovereignty values and honors the self as a source of wisdom and knowing — not willing to give up or sacrifice personal power and truth. It is with this powerful sense of self and self-love that we can truly surrender, with full awareness, and through surrender comes trust. Trust in the self, trust in the process. Self and universe are seen as one. The wisdom path acknowledges the Divine within as a source of awakening, not as an external entity separate from Self.

The path of trust (devotion): Trust > Surrender > Sovereignty > Discipline > Wisdom

As human beings, we exist in a complex and layered realm full of external wisdom and experiences across dimensions of time. Through an act of trust, we acknowledge these external lessons as a source of guidance and a key to purpose, thereby surrendering to external wisdom and walking the path of the devotee. Absorbing the wisdom of the ages provides strength and sovereignty to the great teachings and teachers of our time. Solidifying and validating their experiences strengthens the experience of self. The path of devotion requires great discipline in the willingness to follow in the footsteps of the masters. They become a source of light and wisdom. Through our devotion, wisdom is gifted, and knowledge of universal laws attained. The path of trust is the path of the devotee, in which the seeker attains external knowledge and truth as a source of awakening.