Posts tagged dharma
The great work

The “work” encompasses our entire existence. This is learning ground; by our mere incarnation as human beings, we are constantly experiencing lessons. It’s the wheel of karma and dharma. By learning, by experiencing, and through self-inquiry and growth, we evolve into a greater purpose on a much larger wheel.

Through the very nature of being human, we are wholly imperfect and always learning. Every day you are learning. Every day you are expanding your perceptions. Every day you are making choices based on limited information. And so is everyone else. So am I. As we shift from energies of individual survival to collective survival, the realizations of the human experience become more numerous and extreme, and the heart breaks open seeking an experience of oneness while still fighting for survival. We are learning so much, so fast, trying to fit every action into a box of right versus wrong.

There are also other boxes to consider. There’s an important box called “lesson.” A box that is simply “information.” A box called “compassion.” A box called “trust.” A box called “acceptance.” There are boxes that allow us to grow and learn without hurting one another to avoid being hurt.

The more time we spend in authentic awareness of SELF, in healing and growing as an individual expression of consciousness, we take the most important step towards the greater work on the collective experience. Going within is the most difficult and essential work. A person prioritizing their healing won’t seek to recreate an unhealed experience. It isn’t a contest. We don’t need to prove anything. Nor is it necessary to shout our progress from the rooftops. It’s a personal journey; we get there when we are ready.

By better understanding the wheel of your individual reality, your karma (experiences) and dharma (actions), the lessons integrated WITHIN then reflect outward into a new reality of expanded awareness, compassion, and LOVE.

Where is your soul guiding you?

Can you feel it?

The calling of your soul?

Your gifts guiding you home?

How beautiful and perfect you are?

What you have to offer is more than experience and expertise, more than passing tests, more than external validation.

The curriculum is etched in the evolution of your soul. Your qualifications live in your authenticity. Your offerings are the vibration of your spirit.

Can you feel it? The call to blaze your own trail, forge a new path, show the world what you have to offer?

The old ways are diminishing. They will grasp, cling, try to prove their relevance — but this new world is cracking open the light within. Their teachings guided us here, but now it’s up to us to create a new paradigm.

We’re all here because we have something important and unique to offer the world, which can only be found within.

Can you feel it? Where is your soul guiding you?

Ready for the great work

Do you want to show the universe that you’re ready for the great work?

Bring your ALL to the here and now.

Small commitments and acts of devotion transform into big manifestations.

Holding to your word and intentions will invite expansive opportunities for growth.

Every small act, every interaction, every time you show up, you show your readiness.

There are no shortcuts when the great work is involved.

No elevated insight or high-rise trip will lay the path for you. You are the builder laying down the bricks. When each one is set in place through your devotion, the path — that you built — becomes yours to walk on. With each drop of sweat and grit that it takes to build the foundation, a spirit helper joins your cause.

When you leave, seeking some answer outside of yourself, there is no one left to lay the path.

The visions and possibilities are endless, yes, but which ones will you work for? Which ones will you show up for?

Are you running from the one truth just waiting for your signal?

When you’re on your knees in devotion, are you expecting to receive, or are you expecting to SERVE?

How are you using your divine gifts to empower others?

How will you show up today?