Dive into uncertainty


Taking risks always comes with growing pains. New tests, barriers, delays, frustrations, impatience...

When the universe whispers in my ear to leave something, create something, to stand out in some way, to innovate, to push — I know that staying in my comfort zone is no longer an option. My comfort zones never last very long anyways. Those of us who understand the power of dharma realized long ago that running, avoiding, or settling simply aren’t viable options. The great work doesn’t come easily. It isn’t handed to us by someone or something else. Because we were built to be different. We were built to be strong.

So I leap. I accept. I sit in the discomfort zone with a half-smile on my face and a knowing in my heart that big things are coming.

And sometimes I take the opportunity with tears in my eyes, because I know my heart will need to break in order to heal and fortify itself to withstand the next level.

I can’t count the many times I’ve had to look fear in the eyes and reject his seductive dance. Or the times I’ve allowed resistance to test me until I waved it away with a shaky and uncertain hand.

This isn’t about walking away from your commitments. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Often it means standing strong in your commitments and gifts even when things seem uncertain or aren’t immediately rewarding. It means trusting the inner voice that guided you to that endeavor in the first place. When you trust yourself and you trust the process, you receive it back with abundance.

Yes, walk away from things that are unaligned, constricting, and cause suffering. But don’t simply abandon the growth process because the ego can’t stand uncertainty.

DIVE into the uncertainty and embrace it with open arms, because you believe in yourself. And then others can believe in you *because you won’t abandon them.* We are all here to serve in some way. We all chose this timeline.

I love you. I believe in you. I am waiting for you.