The story of your awakening


Life becomes uneasy.
The ground, once so steady,
Now shakes with every step.
So you reach
For the quick fix.
The possibility of recreating
What was
Instead of what could have been.

Every choice is a door.
Every door leads down a path.
Every path is your design.

So choose bravely. Choose beauty.
Pursue the dream.
Take risks for
The great love.
Give from your heart
Your many gifts.
Discover heaven, here,
On this orbiting rock.

Don’t wait for the what ifs to
Consume your every thought.

The unfamiliar is scary.
The uncertain outcome seems an
Impossible feat
For the contracted heart.
But the reward of a new way, a crack
In the chiseled armor,
Clearing away clouds of separation
And old stories
Is why you are here.
It’s the story of your awakening.