Here in the present moment


The experience of beauty, the energy of bliss, is here in the present moment. It’s here when I can witness the moment without expectation, when I can release my shield and see the magic and energy in every breath and blade of grass.

The past is a distant memory to me; has always been that way. The me, here, does not exist there. Everything I was seeking then, is now.

The future is a smokescreen, an illusion of time and the mind. Why plan for it, without knowing anything about it? Why waste our lives for a future we have never met? If current events have taught us anything — it’s that we don’t know, can never know. All that we hope we might achieve THEN, is only NOW. This is the only moment I have.

It all ends eventually. That IS the only truth I know. So am I experiencing the gifts handed to me? Am I creating the dreams and desires that fill the pages of my life? Am I choosing love over fear? And what is the fear?

Am I allowing fear of death to manage my experience of life? Is the ego so sensitive that the choice becomes expectation over ecstasy?

Or is the true fear actually the great unknown — the moment I achieve everything I want, everything I came here to do?