Your most valuable possession


Your body is a perfectly designed, highly adaptable organism. It is capable of quick evolution to changing circumstances and frequencies. It heals itself with regular ease and can build strength and endurance to support your activity and lifestyle. The interconnected web of subtle energy and mind/heart consciousness has proven to be capable of miracles — many beyond science’s capacity to measure — and can achieve such feats without external influences. Human beings may be within this realm of time and degeneration, but we also have the power to transcend all of it and understand Source-consciousness. We can feel, we can love, we can experience all of the earthly sensations, pleasures, and pain — and we can also be like gods and angels.

Your body is your most valuable possession. With proper care and energy, it can achieve ecstatic states and monumental feats, solely with the purity of capabilities that were bestowed by creation. It deserves the very best you can offer. 💜