Posts tagged spiritual path
The path of YOU

There are many circumstances, distractions, tests, and excuses that can convince you to abandon your gifts. Walking away seems easier than facing your potential. Better to give up than to face the fears around success or rejection.

Sure, it’s possible to escape and float along in a pool of unrealized potential for a while and survive. OR you can double down, own your truth, embody your power, and THRIVE.

The path of YOU is the one worth traveling... if you’re ready to own it.

Where is your soul guiding you?

Can you feel it?

The calling of your soul?

Your gifts guiding you home?

How beautiful and perfect you are?

What you have to offer is more than experience and expertise, more than passing tests, more than external validation.

The curriculum is etched in the evolution of your soul. Your qualifications live in your authenticity. Your offerings are the vibration of your spirit.

Can you feel it? The call to blaze your own trail, forge a new path, show the world what you have to offer?

The old ways are diminishing. They will grasp, cling, try to prove their relevance — but this new world is cracking open the light within. Their teachings guided us here, but now it’s up to us to create a new paradigm.

We’re all here because we have something important and unique to offer the world, which can only be found within.

Can you feel it? Where is your soul guiding you?

Deprogramming Spirituality

You don’t have to eat, dress, or act a certain way to be “spiritual.”

You don’t have to know everything about meditation to experience a meditative mind.

You don’t have to do handstands or arm balances to experience the transformational mind/body effects of yoga.

You don’t have to take hundreds of pictures of yourself in yoga poses to be considered a yogi.

You don’t have to go to big yoga festivals to find enlightenment — especially if you’re an internal seeker.

You don’t need a guru to tell you how to connect with Source energy.

You don’t need to collect trainings, certificates, or approval to channel the magic that flows freely through you.

Teachers and teachings are wonderful tools on the path, but you get to decide whether they resonate with you.

No one can tell you or dictate whether your energy is pure or worthy. Your energy is your energy... and it’s beautiful.

No matter where you are on the journey, you are in the right place for your unique path.

No one owns or has the right to manage or suppress any part or practice of the spiritual path. Any attempts to shame people into boxes, rules, or limitations are tools of the Matrix to separate you from your own divinity.

Remember, rules are a man-made construct.

If you want to experience something divine, enlightening, and beautifully transcendent, start by connecting with YOU, exactly as you are, without the stories, masks, expectations, rules, or programming. You are already a beautiful and divine being in its purest form, and however you choose to express your divinity is perfect.