Five keys, two paths of yoga


Five keys to awakening, two possible paths. The mapping of these keys provides a different way of viewing two paths of yoga.

The path of wisdom (self-realization): Wisdom > Discipline > Sovereignty > Surrender > Trust

Through attaining many layers of wisdom, we begin to see the value in cultivating discipline through self-honoring and dedicated practice. Clarity of mind and body creates the conditions for wisdom to flourish into deep understanding of the cosmos and access into the many multidimensional layers of self. Self-sovereignty values and honors the self as a source of wisdom and knowing — not willing to give up or sacrifice personal power and truth. It is with this powerful sense of self and self-love that we can truly surrender, with full awareness, and through surrender comes trust. Trust in the self, trust in the process. Self and universe are seen as one. The wisdom path acknowledges the Divine within as a source of awakening, not as an external entity separate from Self.

The path of trust (devotion): Trust > Surrender > Sovereignty > Discipline > Wisdom

As human beings, we exist in a complex and layered realm full of external wisdom and experiences across dimensions of time. Through an act of trust, we acknowledge these external lessons as a source of guidance and a key to purpose, thereby surrendering to external wisdom and walking the path of the devotee. Absorbing the wisdom of the ages provides strength and sovereignty to the great teachings and teachers of our time. Solidifying and validating their experiences strengthens the experience of self. The path of devotion requires great discipline in the willingness to follow in the footsteps of the masters. They become a source of light and wisdom. Through our devotion, wisdom is gifted, and knowledge of universal laws attained. The path of trust is the path of the devotee, in which the seeker attains external knowledge and truth as a source of awakening.