Posts tagged air
Gemini musings

Gemini. Mutable air.

The wind goes where spirit leads — across meadows, over mountains, through the trees, surrounding the ocean, shaping clouds.

It creates ripples in the water, shifting sands, and blazing fires. Agitating, questioning, seeking, learning, sharing, inspiring, exploring. Its form appears as if in a dream, casting a spell, until your rote ways become restless wanderings.

You can try to contain the air, capture the magic, but it will always escape your grasp. The wind leads and you follow, arriving to destinations only imagined in the realm of faeries and song. Those brief moments of cool breezes, sly smiles, and butterfly wings burn into your memory like ancient whispers of lifetimes past — never to return.

Yet in the meantime, something awakened and stirred within you. Perhaps of glimpse of possibility, another dimension, an alternative journey, the spark of your soul. You will wait forever if you sit still, because this shapeshifting force doesn’t look back. Or you can follow the faint hymn to the ethereal doors that once awakened the flame... leaving everything behind for the mysterious magic of truth.

Follow her whispers

The air, she is
a fickle sprite.

Forever moving, shifting, embracing
her own unfolding story.

Unable to be swayed, grasped, guided
by other than her own song.

Her love will engulf you, wholly.
But her invitations will disappear as
quickly as they came.

Unattached. Free.
She slips away unseen.

Wisps passing over moonlight.
Vibrating leaves.
The flutter of butterfly wings.
Dancing reeds.

Follow her whispers
before they fade among the trees.