Embrace your divine blueprint

Happiness, pleasure, and LOVE are not some logical contemplation of the mind that require thinking in order to manifest. Our desires are ingrained within us; the things we love and enjoy are part of our divine blueprint. If you’re overthinking what makes you happy, then are you choosing happiness? If you’re trying to seek balance between “fun” and “duty,” then where is your heart in the equation? I don’t believe we’re here to go through the motions until we die. I believe we’re here to experience a miracle of consciousness in physical form — and with that we are able to have sensory experiences and opportunities that give us an experience of LIFE.

One of the reasons that I’m so passionate about yoga is that it lets me tap into the physical aspect of self that unlocks infinite amounts of cosmic information. We have a consciousness and a divine energy that can unlock DNA and transform through belief and intention. We are creators of our own potential. Through the body, we learn how miracles are possible. We learn how to manifest our powers. We remember how incredible this experience of FEELING can be. And with a lot of intention and discipline we can learn how to achieve our wildest dreams by simply trusting the experiences and choices that light up this energetic grid and our soul’s calling.

Trust yourself. Trust the process.

Releasing fear through present-moment awareness

Our brains are wired to a negative bias, and fear is extremely addictive. It’s a pretty normal biological behavior to want to find and fixate on the most negative outcome and then repeat the same stimulus over and over, seeking that chemical response to fear. When fear doesn’t exist in the present moment, it’s all too easy to seek it out — if not in looping negative self-talk or imagined scenarios, then seeking it online, on social media, on TV, or in conversations or arguments with the people in your life (or with strangers). But the thing about any addictive behavior is that it diminishes the subtleties of life. It keeps you separate from the bliss in the present moment. It can lead to other behaviors or choices that aren’t supporting your highest good. In this contraction, you may not see the expansion and gifts that are possible.

When the mind takes over, when it takes control, we lose our connection with the center of self. We disconnect our experience from the infinite intelligence of the heart. And we miss the wisdom from our intuition and sacred guidance system.

Our evolution as a species diminishes the need to stay in a perpetual fear state as a protection mechanism from predators or other immediate threats to survival. Our evolution in *consciousness* lets us become more aware of the inner workings of the mind (and in my belief, the connection to the true self). Often when people first begin to meditate, feelings of fear or anxiety can arise, because the mind is programmed to exist in that state. It can take time to be okay with the present moment — which is the only moment we are unable to control. The past already happened (and we know the mind loves to relive that and try to manage it), and fixation on the future is just a way of attempting to manage the outcome (i.e. control). Being in the present, as a practice, completely rewires the brain to accept moment-to-moment awareness without fear. It’s possible to transform and reprogram your entire biological system just through this practice of acceptance and through consciousness of what is *actually* happening. The result? Bliss.

The average person looks at their phone more than 150 times per day. That’s proof right there of how much the mind relies on external feedback. I’m not saying it’s necessarily bad to evolve and adapt to technology (although I do have my preferences), but we can take that awareness of the need for biochemical stimuli and bring it to the seat of consciousness. What is ACTUALLY happening in this moment? What are the gifts in this moment? What am I feeling? What am I desiring? What will make me happy? What stories are looping in my mind? Are they true?

Because there’s a lot to love about this life. ❤️

Mandi GarrisonComment
Death is a part of life

The biggest moments and transformations in life often involve a death. When something new is born, it rises from the ashes of old — a change, a different life, an opening, an awakening, a new perspective.

We can’t be afraid of death — the big D and the little deaths. It’s all a part of living. It’s around every corner. When we fear death... when we fear change, we stop ourselves from living. We contract the life force, we hold ourselves back, we make unaligned choices, we resist something that could be absolutely amazing. Sometimes I reflect on how absolutely blessed I feel to have what I have, and I remember what I had to walk away from to get there. And I KNOW that all of it could change, in any moment, and that’s okay. It’s something every one of us will experience as a human — both the joys and the sorrows. But the anticipation of death doesn’t have to manage LIFE. It can be a catalyst to live the best life possible.

I remember my first awakening, the first time I really had to face death in the face, and the terror I felt in every moment. Panic attacks, contractions, phobias, debilitating anxiety, health problems, addictive behavior... all symptoms of the resistance to change. When I allowed the change to happen, I had to face the truth that all of my old beliefs were dying. My mind didn’t want ANY of that. (The mind likes consistency.) But I realized that my old beliefs weren’t making me happy. They were simply allowing complacency and comfort to continue. The rebirth alleviated the fear and anxiety, but it was a process. And then I experienced another awakening, and another one, and another one... each time requiring a death, but by then it wasn’t so scary. Getting your reality shattered can be an adventure (especially when you realize reality is an illusion, but that’s the next level).

The best part is, with every awakening I become more powerful in my ability to create my own beliefs and my own circumstances. (It’s mind-bending magic!) I can let death be a teacher, not an enemy. I can flow with the energy of what’s possible instead of resisting the change.

Because anything is possible in life. It’s yours to create. It’s yours to live.

Mandi GarrisonComment
About my online yoga offerings

Online yoga. It’s everywhere, and you have a lot of options. So I thought I would take some time today to talk a little bit about what I’m offering to see if it’s a fit for you.

As of now, I have built a library of nearly 100 classes with many different styles and intentions. What makes my particular classes unique is that they are mainly recorded live, are intuitively guided, are themed to support your energetic intentions, and they are ME. If you’re familiar with my classes then you know I’m always completely guided by intuition and energy to create both a physical and spiritual experience. I have learned through my own practice and life that true health goes beyond a physical practice; it also includes focused awareness, an understanding of subtle energy (life force, chi), breath, and heart-brain connection. Therefore my instruction is detailed (so you can turn off your mind), and guides you through an exploration of subtle energy and the spiritual benefits of movement practice.

I’m currently teaching three live classes a week. Two of them are free to attend live and one is only $5. I believe in this work and the practice of yoga with my entire being, and my goal is to get as much out there as possible right now so that you can practice as much as possible. (I’m also doing two, sometimes three, weekly classes at Tower Hill for those who still need the in-person experience.) My online Patreon membership starts at only $11/month, and that’s where you’ll see all of my live virtual classes uploaded every week, so you can practice on your own time. And they’ll never go away. I even built a categorized online (password protected) library on my own website for easy access so you can find your favorites.

I can thank my Gemini stellium for the understanding that everyone is different and needs a different experience. Some people love the live classes in the moment and never miss them. Some like to schedule time on their calendar to practice their favorite weekly class. Some go back to the same classes over and over again. Some people prefer restorative and meditation as their primary focus. Others like to move. Some live for the workshops (and you get big discounts with membership). Some people like to dive all in and some like to dabble. I have even had testimonials from people who have practiced at least one thing from the library every day this year and it has been a saving anchor for them in these crazy times.

I’m always assessing and shifting my offerings and strategy to make sure I’m making it as easy as possible for you to find the practice that fits your needs. I’m not asking you to fit yourself to my platform. I’m creating a platform to fit YOU.

With the membership, you’ll get notified every time a new class is uploaded. You’ll have access to everything to make the practices your own. You’ll get coupon codes for all of my virtual workshops. You’ll get to attend all live virtual classes for free. You’re the first to hear about schedule updates, class offerings, and special events. You also get other community benefits, such as a separate social group, book club, the ability to direct message me for recommendations, and huge discounts at the shop and private sessions (depending on the tier). I also offer recorded healings, astrology updates and classes, collective tarot readings, personalized intuitive readings, music playlists, and monthly gifts in the upper-level tiers.

If you can’t afford membership at this time, I still have two FREE live virtual classes, and even my paid classes and workshops are very inexpensive. I just want to see you showing up on your mat or meditation cushion in any way possible. And I can promise you that I’ll always stay authentic and teach from the heart. I’m not following or trying to do what others are doing. I keep my channel and intuition clear. I’m working from my own creative/Shakti energy and doing my best to go wherever spirit is leading me. I don’t stress about whether something will resonate, because I know if I’m getting the call, it’s because it resonates with someone.

This work is bigger than me. I’m simply the channel for its manifestation. I have practiced a lot of yoga with a lot of different teachers — and through that I’ve learned that it’s not so much about WHAT they’re teaching; it’s about the energy, heart, and belief that they’re channeling through the teaching. That’s what you feel after a great yoga practice.

P.S. You also get access to my feline familiar, Griflet (shown below), who loves to attend all live classes (and especially my healing workshops, they’re his favorite).

Screenshot of my virtual library

Screenshot of my virtual library

Mandi GarrisonComment
Stillness and growth

I love nature this time of the year. I love the quiet. I love the snow. I love the cold air in my lungs. I love how everything seems to pause.

I love both Solstice windows. The Summer Solstice happens to be my solar return, so I feel completely embodied and fulfilled in the light. The Winter Solstice pushes me to get clear and truthful about any obstacles or challenges that stand in the way of my path.

If everything were easy and abundant, then where is the growth? Sometimes the growth comes in the challenge, from getting pushed, from taking initiative, from honoring your worth. And whether nature seems to pause or everything moves fast, we can still show up in the moment, gifted with the offerings on the table — opportunities AND challenges. Both are divine.

Nature doesn’t make judgments about right or wrong... or if you’re enlightened or learning. Only humans do that. All paths eventually lead to the same destination.

Mandi GarrisonComment
Living your purpose
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The best way to thrive in these times is to live your purpose. And I’m not saying that you need to find your dharma NOW and stick to that one thing forever. I’ve done many things and will continue to do many things. I mean living through your authentic, divine gifts. Your gifts are God. They are your soul expressing through you. They are why you are here. When you honor that purpose, you will honor the exact role you’re designed to fill.

Your purpose at this time may be as simple as sharing messages of kindness or helping people see things from a different perspective. It might mean you serve 100,000 people or just one. That part doesn’t matter. What matters is that it comes from love. What matters is that it’s YOU. It has to be you. It’s easy enough to model or repackage what someone else is doing — and trust me, that temptation is real — but the divine flame manifests itself through each person in a specific way. It has to be harnessed through you in order for it to work. Energy isn’t borrowed. It’s created. Manifestation only works when it’s your authentic truth.

And with the South Node in Sagittarius right now, the path won’t come from a teacher or guru. It comes through your work, your inquiry, your knowledge (Gemini). Neptune squaring the Gemini/Sag nodes is bringing awareness to the illusions that have kept us from our purpose. It has taken down the gurus and the idea that you need permission to do your divine work. It has shown you the possibilities that exist within.

We’ve had a lot of time to explore. The level of awakening has been intense and swift. We have less than a month until Jupiter and Saturn meet in 0 Aquarius to launch this new age. It’s time to harness everything you’ve learned and embody your role in this new paradigm.

There will be fear... and resistance... and tests. It’s never easy. It’s incredibly vulnerable. We’re all being faced with these choices and illusions now in different ways... and it WILL get more intense.

I’m not the teacher who is going to help you stay in your comfort zone. I’m not going to repeat and repackage the same systems that worked 10 or 100 years ago. I’m the one who’s going to come here, again and again, to remind you that you’re the creator. That you are God. That you are the one in control. That you have the power. That you know exactly what you’re here to do. Maybe it’s tough love, but this is what my guides are pushing me to do... every day.

I’m exactly where you are... being pushed. Being tested. These are my nodal placements, after all. I’m hardcore Saturnian sometimes, but it’s because I believe in you. It’s because I’m hella determined, working on me every day, and honoring my truth every day to serve in the way *only I can.* And to remind you that you’ll serve in a way that only YOU can. I’m taking the risks and following my intuition to show you that it’s possible. You can do this, and I can’t wait to witness it.

Mandi GarrisonComment
Ultimate Union

How long do you hover your step
Before you choose a way?

With Mars moving forward now,
Spirit pushing, that uncomfortable nudge... we know
It will all change.
We all leave the womb at some point.
We all get shattered into a complicated puzzle,
Piece by piece, assembling our divine gifts
Into our greatest self,
In this moment,
And in this new way.

Comfort is a fleeting fancy.
To be human is to be perpetually uncomfortable,
Lesson after lesson,
Choice upon choice,
Learning to see past the illusions
Of your own mind.

Do you choose to soar and elevate
Like the eagle,
Guided by the call of spirit
On an ever-shifting breeze?

Do you choose safety and root
While the cosmic matrix unfolds
And another hero steps forward
To claim your role?

Everything has been aligned in your favor,
Yet the choice remains,
To cling to human limitations
Or embody your greatness.
To allow fear to hold you back
Or take love as the divine sword and shield.

How long do we repeat the same stories
Before we are brave enough to choose
What REALLY scares us,
That which proves our readiness
To evolve to ultimate Union?

Mandi GarrisonComment
Divine Feminine Magick

To the accusers,
Who simply couldn’t understand
That the power of the mystic
Doesn’t exist in structure and laws.
To the ones who couldn’t fathom
The magick derived from elements outside
Your books and boxes.
I get it.
Our desire and submission
Doesn’t follow the straight and predictable line.
How can you control the one
Who sees beyond your existence?
Who can feel the pulse of the earth?
Who can shift the air with one seductive glance?
So they say, the feminine must fight.
She must be strong, she must make her demands.
She must control, because softness is weak.
The Goddess won’t submit to your unwillingness
To lead.

To the persecuted,
I can hear your howls on the wind.
I hear your grief.
I feel the love given to the fire.
They burned you. They drowned you.
They betrayed you. They covered you.
They took your breath.
They cursed your spells and elixirs
That bled the lines
Of man-made science.
But I say, those curses are wasted.
Because magick still reigns in the wisdom of our ancestors.
It flows through our veins,
In our earth wisdom,
And in between our legs.
The naysayers will tell you
Magick is privileged art.
They will say access is only granted
By books and boxes of a different name.
The divine is in everything,
In everyone.

Are you afraid of the serpent?
Do you run when the raven calls?
Do you cower in fear
When the Morrigan arrives?

Or are you willing to walk through the fires
And take the warrior’s sword,
As a knight, devoted,
On the quest for love?

Mandi GarrisonComment
Love wants YOU

I can love the way you think, even if my ego doesn’t agree. I can love where your heart is coming from, even it means we’re traveling in different directions. I can see and love you completely without the expectation of anything in return.

The fact that we have this capacity for infinite ways of perceiving is a reminder of just how expansive the creator is.

Our time here is limited, and relationships come and go like the seasons. We don’t have time to hide, to avoid our feelings, or to allow fear, differences, or expectation to get in the way of true connection. I believe the world is grieving because we are further separating from one another, when we really just want to come together and be held.

There’s nothing to prove, no tests to pass, no complications or games or constant analysis. All you have to do is show up and be you. And that means you can express freely from the ever-present energy of love — because love won’t reject you. Only you can reject you. Love wants you exactly as you are, and will receive you exactly as you are.

Because, WOW. 🤩

Mandi GarrisonComment
Message from the Ancestors

I can feel the ancestors around me,
Moving the puzzle pieces into place,
Preparing me.
It’s that familiar melancholy,
When I know something will have to go.
When there’s deeper work ahead.


I resist, and they ask me,

How much longer will you wait?

How much longer will you accept what you’ve long outgrown?

How much longer will you pretend to believe things will change?

How much longer will you give energy to relationships that make you feel like an inconvenience?

How much longer will you repeat the same addictive emotional patterns from the past?

Love is by your side — no matter what — but you are better than these old memories, past mistakes, unnecessary hurts, and feeling unworthy.

You know this.

Can you admit that you’re ready?


The ancestors are trusting us to release the one foot still stuck in the old paradigm.

Any entanglement keeping you in lack needs to be released, so you can be present for those who love you, who teach you, who *choose* you... over division, over fear, over polarity.

Even if it feels like you already let go of so much. The big tests are ahead. The ones you always knew you would have to face eventually.

Some people will keep both feet firmly planted. That’s their role. But not yours.

You are supported.

You are held.

You can do this.

And so can I.

Mandi GarrisonComment
Private session packages to support your spiritual journey

Are you interested in scheduling some sessions with me but aren’t sure where to begin? I’ve created some intuitively guided packages to support you with huge savings to kickstart your journey.

Not seeing exactly what you need or are on a tight budget? Tell me more and let me design a package just for you!

By the Power of Three

Experience three of Mandi's best offerings to kickstart your journey! This package includes:

  • One (1) 60-minute distance healing session

  • One (1) 60-minute virtual private yoga class

  • One (1) 60-minute Tarot reading Total savings: $25

Cost: $200 ($25 total savings)

Overcoming Obstacles

This affordable package will support a month-long journey of identifying any current challenges and navigating through them with healing, meditation, and connecting to your spirit team. This package includes:

  • Week 1: 60-minute spiritual consultation to discuss the current situation, future goals, and immediate action steps

  • Week 2: 30-minute meditation and 30-minute healing session to begin to uncover underlying energetics (schedule 2-3 days apart)

  • Week 3: 60-minute Tarot reading with intuitive insight to connect with your guides and dive deeper for solutions

  • Week 4: 60-minute healing session with intuitive insight and next steps

Cost: $250 ($50 total savings)

Journey of the Self

Mandi will guide you through a month-long journey of discovering your unique gifts and getting to know yourself on a deeper level. This package includes:

  • Week 1: 90-minute astrology reading and natal chart overview

  • Week 2: 60-minute spiritual consultation to discuss your human design blueprint

  • Week 3: 60-minute Tarot reading to receive intuitive messages and insights for your journey

  • Week 4: 60-minute distance healing session that includes meditation and journey work to meet your spirit guides

  • Also includes a three-piece custom crystal set just for you

Cost: $325 ($50 total savings)

Awaken and Elevate

Learn the ancient and powerful science of tantric kundalini yoga and develop a personal practice that will awaken and elevate your energy! This package includes:

  • Five (5) 60-minute virtual yoga and meditation classes

  • Two (2) 30-minute guided meditations

Cost: $350 ($85 total savings)

Raise Your Vibration

Through intuitive energy healing and customized yoga and meditation classes, Mandi will work with you to shift your vibration and accelerate your spiritual journey. This package is designed to span over a six-week timeframe and includes:

  • Week 1: 30-minute spiritual consultation to discuss needs and current situation

  • Week 2: 30-minute guided meditation and a 60-minute distance healing session (schedule 2-3 days apart)

  • Week 3: 60-minute private yoga and meditation class

  • Week 4: 30 minute spiritual consultation and a 30-minute guided meditation to check in on the energies cultivated (schedule 2-3 days apart)

  • Week 5: 60-minute private yoga and meditation class

  • Week 6: 60-minute distance healing session that will include journey work to meet your guides and determine next steps

Cost: $400 ($50 total savings)

Uplevel your Spiritual Curriculum

Dive deep into the spiritual curriculum of your choice and receive a certificate of completion for 12 hours of learning in your chosen topic. This package includes eight (8) 90-minute spiritual courses scheduled at your convenience.

Cost: $888 ($112 total savings)

Other Savings

  • Distance healing package of three (3) 60-minute sessions @ $200 ($25 savings)

  • Private yoga package of three (3) 60-minute virtual classes @ $200 ($25 savings)

  • Private yoga package of five (5) 60-minute virtual classes @ $325 ($50 savings)

Mandi GarrisonComment