Message from the Ancestors


I can feel the ancestors around me,
Moving the puzzle pieces into place,
Preparing me.
It’s that familiar melancholy,
When I know something will have to go.
When there’s deeper work ahead.


I resist, and they ask me,

How much longer will you wait?

How much longer will you accept what you’ve long outgrown?

How much longer will you pretend to believe things will change?

How much longer will you give energy to relationships that make you feel like an inconvenience?

How much longer will you repeat the same addictive emotional patterns from the past?

Love is by your side — no matter what — but you are better than these old memories, past mistakes, unnecessary hurts, and feeling unworthy.

You know this.

Can you admit that you’re ready?


The ancestors are trusting us to release the one foot still stuck in the old paradigm.

Any entanglement keeping you in lack needs to be released, so you can be present for those who love you, who teach you, who *choose* you... over division, over fear, over polarity.

Even if it feels like you already let go of so much. The big tests are ahead. The ones you always knew you would have to face eventually.

Some people will keep both feet firmly planted. That’s their role. But not yours.

You are supported.

You are held.

You can do this.

And so can I.

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