About my online yoga offerings
Online yoga. It’s everywhere, and you have a lot of options. So I thought I would take some time today to talk a little bit about what I’m offering to see if it’s a fit for you.
As of now, I have built a library of nearly 100 classes with many different styles and intentions. What makes my particular classes unique is that they are mainly recorded live, are intuitively guided, are themed to support your energetic intentions, and they are ME. If you’re familiar with my classes then you know I’m always completely guided by intuition and energy to create both a physical and spiritual experience. I have learned through my own practice and life that true health goes beyond a physical practice; it also includes focused awareness, an understanding of subtle energy (life force, chi), breath, and heart-brain connection. Therefore my instruction is detailed (so you can turn off your mind), and guides you through an exploration of subtle energy and the spiritual benefits of movement practice.
I’m currently teaching three live classes a week. Two of them are free to attend live and one is only $5. I believe in this work and the practice of yoga with my entire being, and my goal is to get as much out there as possible right now so that you can practice as much as possible. (I’m also doing two, sometimes three, weekly classes at Tower Hill for those who still need the in-person experience.) My online Patreon membership starts at only $11/month, and that’s where you’ll see all of my live virtual classes uploaded every week, so you can practice on your own time. And they’ll never go away. I even built a categorized online (password protected) library on my own website for easy access so you can find your favorites.
I can thank my Gemini stellium for the understanding that everyone is different and needs a different experience. Some people love the live classes in the moment and never miss them. Some like to schedule time on their calendar to practice their favorite weekly class. Some go back to the same classes over and over again. Some people prefer restorative and meditation as their primary focus. Others like to move. Some live for the workshops (and you get big discounts with membership). Some people like to dive all in and some like to dabble. I have even had testimonials from people who have practiced at least one thing from the library every day this year and it has been a saving anchor for them in these crazy times.
I’m always assessing and shifting my offerings and strategy to make sure I’m making it as easy as possible for you to find the practice that fits your needs. I’m not asking you to fit yourself to my platform. I’m creating a platform to fit YOU.
With the membership, you’ll get notified every time a new class is uploaded. You’ll have access to everything to make the practices your own. You’ll get coupon codes for all of my virtual workshops. You’ll get to attend all live virtual classes for free. You’re the first to hear about schedule updates, class offerings, and special events. You also get other community benefits, such as a separate social group, book club, the ability to direct message me for recommendations, and huge discounts at the shop and private sessions (depending on the tier). I also offer recorded healings, astrology updates and classes, collective tarot readings, personalized intuitive readings, music playlists, and monthly gifts in the upper-level tiers.
If you can’t afford membership at this time, I still have two FREE live virtual classes, and even my paid classes and workshops are very inexpensive. I just want to see you showing up on your mat or meditation cushion in any way possible. And I can promise you that I’ll always stay authentic and teach from the heart. I’m not following or trying to do what others are doing. I keep my channel and intuition clear. I’m working from my own creative/Shakti energy and doing my best to go wherever spirit is leading me. I don’t stress about whether something will resonate, because I know if I’m getting the call, it’s because it resonates with someone.
This work is bigger than me. I’m simply the channel for its manifestation. I have practiced a lot of yoga with a lot of different teachers — and through that I’ve learned that it’s not so much about WHAT they’re teaching; it’s about the energy, heart, and belief that they’re channeling through the teaching. That’s what you feel after a great yoga practice.
P.S. You also get access to my feline familiar, Griflet (shown below), who loves to attend all live classes (and especially my healing workshops, they’re his favorite).
Screenshot of my virtual library