Embrace your divine blueprint


Happiness, pleasure, and LOVE are not some logical contemplation of the mind that require thinking in order to manifest. Our desires are ingrained within us; the things we love and enjoy are part of our divine blueprint. If you’re overthinking what makes you happy, then are you choosing happiness? If you’re trying to seek balance between “fun” and “duty,” then where is your heart in the equation? I don’t believe we’re here to go through the motions until we die. I believe we’re here to experience a miracle of consciousness in physical form — and with that we are able to have sensory experiences and opportunities that give us an experience of LIFE.

One of the reasons that I’m so passionate about yoga is that it lets me tap into the physical aspect of self that unlocks infinite amounts of cosmic information. We have a consciousness and a divine energy that can unlock DNA and transform through belief and intention. We are creators of our own potential. Through the body, we learn how miracles are possible. We learn how to manifest our powers. We remember how incredible this experience of FEELING can be. And with a lot of intention and discipline we can learn how to achieve our wildest dreams by simply trusting the experiences and choices that light up this energetic grid and our soul’s calling.

Trust yourself. Trust the process.