Ultimate Union


How long do you hover your step
Before you choose a way?

With Mars moving forward now,
Spirit pushing, that uncomfortable nudge... we know
It will all change.
We all leave the womb at some point.
We all get shattered into a complicated puzzle,
Piece by piece, assembling our divine gifts
Into our greatest self,
In this moment,
And in this new way.

Comfort is a fleeting fancy.
To be human is to be perpetually uncomfortable,
Lesson after lesson,
Choice upon choice,
Learning to see past the illusions
Of your own mind.

Do you choose to soar and elevate
Like the eagle,
Guided by the call of spirit
On an ever-shifting breeze?

Do you choose safety and root
While the cosmic matrix unfolds
And another hero steps forward
To claim your role?

Everything has been aligned in your favor,
Yet the choice remains,
To cling to human limitations
Or embody your greatness.
To allow fear to hold you back
Or take love as the divine sword and shield.

How long do we repeat the same stories
Before we are brave enough to choose
What REALLY scares us,
That which proves our readiness
To evolve to ultimate Union?

Mandi GarrisonComment