Stillness and growth


I love nature this time of the year. I love the quiet. I love the snow. I love the cold air in my lungs. I love how everything seems to pause.

I love both Solstice windows. The Summer Solstice happens to be my solar return, so I feel completely embodied and fulfilled in the light. The Winter Solstice pushes me to get clear and truthful about any obstacles or challenges that stand in the way of my path.

If everything were easy and abundant, then where is the growth? Sometimes the growth comes in the challenge, from getting pushed, from taking initiative, from honoring your worth. And whether nature seems to pause or everything moves fast, we can still show up in the moment, gifted with the offerings on the table — opportunities AND challenges. Both are divine.

Nature doesn’t make judgments about right or wrong... or if you’re enlightened or learning. Only humans do that. All paths eventually lead to the same destination.

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