Love wants YOU


I can love the way you think, even if my ego doesn’t agree. I can love where your heart is coming from, even it means we’re traveling in different directions. I can see and love you completely without the expectation of anything in return.

The fact that we have this capacity for infinite ways of perceiving is a reminder of just how expansive the creator is.

Our time here is limited, and relationships come and go like the seasons. We don’t have time to hide, to avoid our feelings, or to allow fear, differences, or expectation to get in the way of true connection. I believe the world is grieving because we are further separating from one another, when we really just want to come together and be held.

There’s nothing to prove, no tests to pass, no complications or games or constant analysis. All you have to do is show up and be you. And that means you can express freely from the ever-present energy of love — because love won’t reject you. Only you can reject you. Love wants you exactly as you are, and will receive you exactly as you are.

Because, WOW. 🤩

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