Living your purpose

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The best way to thrive in these times is to live your purpose. And I’m not saying that you need to find your dharma NOW and stick to that one thing forever. I’ve done many things and will continue to do many things. I mean living through your authentic, divine gifts. Your gifts are God. They are your soul expressing through you. They are why you are here. When you honor that purpose, you will honor the exact role you’re designed to fill.

Your purpose at this time may be as simple as sharing messages of kindness or helping people see things from a different perspective. It might mean you serve 100,000 people or just one. That part doesn’t matter. What matters is that it comes from love. What matters is that it’s YOU. It has to be you. It’s easy enough to model or repackage what someone else is doing — and trust me, that temptation is real — but the divine flame manifests itself through each person in a specific way. It has to be harnessed through you in order for it to work. Energy isn’t borrowed. It’s created. Manifestation only works when it’s your authentic truth.

And with the South Node in Sagittarius right now, the path won’t come from a teacher or guru. It comes through your work, your inquiry, your knowledge (Gemini). Neptune squaring the Gemini/Sag nodes is bringing awareness to the illusions that have kept us from our purpose. It has taken down the gurus and the idea that you need permission to do your divine work. It has shown you the possibilities that exist within.

We’ve had a lot of time to explore. The level of awakening has been intense and swift. We have less than a month until Jupiter and Saturn meet in 0 Aquarius to launch this new age. It’s time to harness everything you’ve learned and embody your role in this new paradigm.

There will be fear... and resistance... and tests. It’s never easy. It’s incredibly vulnerable. We’re all being faced with these choices and illusions now in different ways... and it WILL get more intense.

I’m not the teacher who is going to help you stay in your comfort zone. I’m not going to repeat and repackage the same systems that worked 10 or 100 years ago. I’m the one who’s going to come here, again and again, to remind you that you’re the creator. That you are God. That you are the one in control. That you have the power. That you know exactly what you’re here to do. Maybe it’s tough love, but this is what my guides are pushing me to do... every day.

I’m exactly where you are... being pushed. Being tested. These are my nodal placements, after all. I’m hardcore Saturnian sometimes, but it’s because I believe in you. It’s because I’m hella determined, working on me every day, and honoring my truth every day to serve in the way *only I can.* And to remind you that you’ll serve in a way that only YOU can. I’m taking the risks and following my intuition to show you that it’s possible. You can do this, and I can’t wait to witness it.

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