Death is a part of life


The biggest moments and transformations in life often involve a death. When something new is born, it rises from the ashes of old — a change, a different life, an opening, an awakening, a new perspective.

We can’t be afraid of death — the big D and the little deaths. It’s all a part of living. It’s around every corner. When we fear death... when we fear change, we stop ourselves from living. We contract the life force, we hold ourselves back, we make unaligned choices, we resist something that could be absolutely amazing. Sometimes I reflect on how absolutely blessed I feel to have what I have, and I remember what I had to walk away from to get there. And I KNOW that all of it could change, in any moment, and that’s okay. It’s something every one of us will experience as a human — both the joys and the sorrows. But the anticipation of death doesn’t have to manage LIFE. It can be a catalyst to live the best life possible.

I remember my first awakening, the first time I really had to face death in the face, and the terror I felt in every moment. Panic attacks, contractions, phobias, debilitating anxiety, health problems, addictive behavior... all symptoms of the resistance to change. When I allowed the change to happen, I had to face the truth that all of my old beliefs were dying. My mind didn’t want ANY of that. (The mind likes consistency.) But I realized that my old beliefs weren’t making me happy. They were simply allowing complacency and comfort to continue. The rebirth alleviated the fear and anxiety, but it was a process. And then I experienced another awakening, and another one, and another one... each time requiring a death, but by then it wasn’t so scary. Getting your reality shattered can be an adventure (especially when you realize reality is an illusion, but that’s the next level).

The best part is, with every awakening I become more powerful in my ability to create my own beliefs and my own circumstances. (It’s mind-bending magic!) I can let death be a teacher, not an enemy. I can flow with the energy of what’s possible instead of resisting the change.

Because anything is possible in life. It’s yours to create. It’s yours to live.

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