Meant to be

I am you, and you are me.

Floating in this ocean of life and thinking we have any control.

A human suit with memories, conditioning, emotions — guided by experiences that fit precariously like puzzle pieces into the now.

Past, future, present circumstances sometimes all blend together. Shifting timelines, enlightening perspectives, responsibilities, awakening... it is our (my) perception of reality. I can write the next chapter but the characters and conditions always take on a life of their own.

There were times when I held on to the small things I could manage, because it gave me a sense of power. But in the end it only brought suffering. It was like constantly trying to build a small tide pool to swim in, when I knew the ocean could effortlessly sweep it away in any moment. So I chose to surrender to the blissful current and be free. Whatever flows in is meant to be.

Arc of transformation

I’ve been in a strange place of uncertainty lately — unsure if I’m doing the right thing, filling up my calendar, and questioning every decision I’ve ever made until it feels like I’m floating in an ocean of cosmic doubt. And that’s really the arc of the transformational process. I’ve witnessed and guided many people going through deep transformation, and it’s never a glamorous spiritual awakening. It’s often very sad, very uncertain, very confusing. I’ve been through many myself.

We often think that transformation means we have to become a different person, but it’s actually a process of rediscovering who you always were, your authentic self. Transformation is a process of coming home to yourself.

The more we hang onto what we think we need in order to feel safe or validated, the more difficult the process becomes. When I opened the Akashic records this morning, I was reminded that we (me included) are so attached to the goal-setting, planning, achievement side of everything, that we don’t allow the time or space to be in the moment and allow ourselves to be guided.

We have all of the inner wisdom and trust within to guide us. It’s just a matter of listening. What is my heart asking me to do right now? Do I actually want to accomplish these ten tasks today or am I avoiding the stillness and rest? Am I listening to my inner guidance and desires or am I trying to keep myself safe? Am I witnessing or am I escaping?

There’s nothing you have to do to facilitate transformation except listen and BE. It’s your divine right. And in this space, as they guided in the records, we have the ability to just be in the moment. Let things unfold. It’s all happening now if we allow it. There’s no need to force.


Your sovereign glory

The time is now to rewrite your story. To let the old beliefs, habits, and obligations dissolve.

We are being pushed to find a new way — tested and triggered to release our grasp on the way things were. The old ways no longer exist.

Your growth is your obligation now — separated in solitude to grow from the flame and spark within. Listen to your divine plan and release your grasp on the attachments that don’t belong to you.

What would you do if everything changed? What did you do when everything changed? Rise now, don’t hold yourself back. Release the guilt and programming that keeps you small and in the shadows.

When all of the masks come off, how will you be seen? How do you want to be seen? Walk through the portal and allow yourself to shine in all of your sovereign glory.

Searching for rainbows

I don’t think the rain ever touched us.
Maybe it was soaked in our hair, droplets sliding off our coats.
There were always rainbows, waterfalls, Iceland weather on summer walks.

I remember it rained,
But I don’t remember the rain itself.
Instead I hear the sound of laughter,
Smiles I can’t contain,
Words I can’t speak,
Rushing rivers,
My heartbeat.

How can I not run outside,
Searching for rainbows?

Awakening to change

Nothing stays the same forever. Perhaps things/people/situations in your life once worked because you were operating at a certain vibration, and now they no longer resonate. This is all a part of the growth process. You can try to hang on, attach and remain dormant — or release and let yourself blossom.

If things are falling away, it may be time to make space for something new to develop. Something that aligns with who you’re becoming and where you’re evolving. Something that resonates from your authentic code, a vibrational signature that is uniquely you.

You can’t get there by making the old ways work, by hanging on to things that have run their course, or by reaching to something external — essentially allowing you to run from yourself.

No, you get there by committing to your gifts, your energy, your evolvement. By realizing that the universe/god/guru was always within you all along. It has been waiting for you to stop running. To stop distracting. To stop chasing what isn’t you.

And when the mask comes off, it will be hard to be in frequency with energies of the past, with other masks. We attract what we create. Allow it all to change and shift if it must, and trust that it’s for your highest good, because it is. You’re awakening to the real you. And the real you is everything you have ever dreamed and imagined.

You are awaiting your presence

Fear isn’t a sustainable fuel. It will run your engine temporarily until it breaks down from overwhelm. It will offer sensations of feeling alive until you realize how limited the fear-based lifeblood actually is.

The neutral mind won’t provide the same addictive heart-pumping, rapid-breathing adrenaline, but it will awaken your senses to what is, actually, in front of you — neither overly positive or negative — but what IS. The neutral mind is freedom, and with the capacity to witness the subtlety of life, in all its beauty and felt experience, this freedom and awakening will be the lifeblood that transforms your experience of being alive.

To actually taste and experience aliveness, pleasure, and freedom, allow yourself to step away from fear-as-fuel. You have the ability to choose what you feed. Give your body and mind the space to adapt and heal and regulate. Trust in the process of life. New information won’t change your perception; you already know what’s true and real. In the neutral space, you’re able to manage your own perceptions.

You are awaiting your presence.

Follow her whispers

The air, she is
a fickle sprite.

Forever moving, shifting, embracing
her own unfolding story.

Unable to be swayed, grasped, guided
by other than her own song.

Her love will engulf you, wholly.
But her invitations will disappear as
quickly as they came.

Unattached. Free.
She slips away unseen.

Wisps passing over moonlight.
Vibrating leaves.
The flutter of butterfly wings.
Dancing reeds.

Follow her whispers
before they fade among the trees.

Peace comes from within

Peace comes from within. There is nothing you can see, feel, hear, or read externally that will provide peace for you. You have to be willing to walk away from the addictive nature of fear and everything that validates fear over peace.

Fear wants to reach for something else. Fear believes that you lack what you need. Fear wants to build in strength through anger and pain. But there is no lack. Lack is not a construct that exists in the realm of divinity. Your true nature is limitless, free, and complete.

Where does your heart lead when you go within? The internal seeker chooses the wisdom of the heart and is guided by true enlightenment. We have a choice between forever seeking the answers externally or realizing the answers within.

There are no more gurus now to turn to — except for yourself. This is the next stage of development, of evolution, of ascension. Release the old ways. You have all of the knowledge you seek. Everything is unfolding now in perfect awakening.

Creating your own light

The guru calling for your energy doesn’t sit on your altar; it is your own soul who speaks. It is you, writing the path of wisdom from the infinite source within. Your voice won’t awaken from chanting someone else’s song, because spirit wrote you the most beautiful orchestra within your heart.

Seekers of Love, look no further than your own incarnation. The union you seek is guiding you back to the flame within. It will never reject you. It will light fires so bright that you will get chills up your spine. It will guide you back to remembering the initial spark, the evolutionary path of inspiration and awakening.

There is no right or wrong path, but there is your immense, intelligent potential. Your gifts have the ability to carve a new path, never seen or traveled before. Don’t be afraid of your abilities. Don’t be swayed by the easy path, the predictable way, the simple love — choose the path of eternal Love. Choose to gift your devotion to the work of your dharma. Bringing love back within shows the universe that you’re ready to commit to the work you came here to do.

Shallow waters are safer, yes. But did you come here for safe? Or did you come here to experience the terrifying depths of limitless, infinite potential? A flame can only warm shallow waters to a tepid, comfortable temperature — the cosmic kiddie pool. But fish who swim in the dark, unseen depths evolve to create their own light. Surrender to the current and you will light a flame bright enough to create galaxies.

Waiting for the thaw

The years pass by like days now,
yet we’re still waiting for the thaw.
This is the last time,
I’ve told myself a thousand times.
but then the ice begins to melt,
and hope arises, or some
glimpse of karmic memory.
An unbreakable cord connecting
this life with the last,
and then a thousand more.

We imagine the what ifs, the untold life
with different puzzle pieces.
Not necessarily better,
but connected, infused
with fantasy and dreams
played out in familiar realms.

We’re getting older now,
and yet more beautiful.
Distant yet deeply connected
by memories. By love.
By hidden truths and emotions
laced in poetic metaphor.
Through our many disciplined choices,
responsibilities, disappointment,
and a thousand promises,
I remember it all.

Tips to keep your nervous system healthy in difficult times

Notice the energy you’re accepting and cultivating. Remember, the mind loves fear. Fear allows the mind to take complete control over our emotions and biology. The physical sensations and biochemical reactions become addictive. The more entrenched we allow the mind to get, the more the mind seeks to validate the fear through additional stimulation. It can be so easy to go down a rabbit hole when fear takes over. It’s very similar to filtering information to validate an existing belief, except in the case of fear, the information is sought out to create these addictive sensations — the next adrenaline rush.

So without necessarily changing anything (whether you do is completely up to you), just observe what you watch and read. Notice if it feels true and validating or if it’s creating a rush of fear and anxiety. I was listening to something yesterday that definitely elevated my nervous system and suddenly I was imagining myself with symptoms I never had. I had to step back, turn it off, and laugh at myself. The mind is a tricky beast.

Be aware of any language or commentary that makes you feel a sense of shame, or makes you feel like you’re a contagion instead of a human. This type of language is designed to lower your vibration and keep you in a fear state. If anything, we can use this time to develop deeper (even if physically distant) connections with loved ones and remind people how much we care. It’s impossible to know the future, we can’t predict how life will pan out, and change is the only constant — so it’s always the right time to express love.

If you feel yourself spiraling, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are safe. There are many experts and perspectives out there and it’s impossible to know what’s true. But at your core innermost center, you are experiencing complete peace and bliss. Tune into that space deep within and give yourself permission to feel good. To feel safe. Listen to your intuition and trust your own inner knowing above all else.

I love you. Be well. ❤️