Arc of transformation


I’ve been in a strange place of uncertainty lately — unsure if I’m doing the right thing, filling up my calendar, and questioning every decision I’ve ever made until it feels like I’m floating in an ocean of cosmic doubt. And that’s really the arc of the transformational process. I’ve witnessed and guided many people going through deep transformation, and it’s never a glamorous spiritual awakening. It’s often very sad, very uncertain, very confusing. I’ve been through many myself.

We often think that transformation means we have to become a different person, but it’s actually a process of rediscovering who you always were, your authentic self. Transformation is a process of coming home to yourself.

The more we hang onto what we think we need in order to feel safe or validated, the more difficult the process becomes. When I opened the Akashic records this morning, I was reminded that we (me included) are so attached to the goal-setting, planning, achievement side of everything, that we don’t allow the time or space to be in the moment and allow ourselves to be guided.

We have all of the inner wisdom and trust within to guide us. It’s just a matter of listening. What is my heart asking me to do right now? Do I actually want to accomplish these ten tasks today or am I avoiding the stillness and rest? Am I listening to my inner guidance and desires or am I trying to keep myself safe? Am I witnessing or am I escaping?

There’s nothing you have to do to facilitate transformation except listen and BE. It’s your divine right. And in this space, as they guided in the records, we have the ability to just be in the moment. Let things unfold. It’s all happening now if we allow it. There’s no need to force.
