Posts tagged letting go
Awakening to change

Nothing stays the same forever. Perhaps things/people/situations in your life once worked because you were operating at a certain vibration, and now they no longer resonate. This is all a part of the growth process. You can try to hang on, attach and remain dormant — or release and let yourself blossom.

If things are falling away, it may be time to make space for something new to develop. Something that aligns with who you’re becoming and where you’re evolving. Something that resonates from your authentic code, a vibrational signature that is uniquely you.

You can’t get there by making the old ways work, by hanging on to things that have run their course, or by reaching to something external — essentially allowing you to run from yourself.

No, you get there by committing to your gifts, your energy, your evolvement. By realizing that the universe/god/guru was always within you all along. It has been waiting for you to stop running. To stop distracting. To stop chasing what isn’t you.

And when the mask comes off, it will be hard to be in frequency with energies of the past, with other masks. We attract what we create. Allow it all to change and shift if it must, and trust that it’s for your highest good, because it is. You’re awakening to the real you. And the real you is everything you have ever dreamed and imagined.

Opening to Transformation

There is a difference between pushing something away and letting something go.

Pushing something away may provide a temporary relief from discomfort, but that energy doesn’t go away. Instead, it gets pushed unto the subtle layers of your subconscious or even the physical layers of your body. Pushing something away doesn’t leave space for processing or healing. Energy comes into your field like a magnet. Running from a magnet allows it to keep following you. Similarly, pushing a magnet away is just inviting it to come back, and with force. Avoiding it... well that does absolutely nothing.

Letting something go happens when you are ready. It happens when you create the space for processing, acknowledging, seeing, and healing. It happens when you realize something no longer serves or has run its course. It happens when you sit with the discomfort, as a teacher, and allow it to move through you without trying to run, change, or push it away. Discomfort can be a great teacher. Discomfort can be a powerful motivator. Discomfort can be love.

What happens when we look at the very thing that makes us uncomfortable and thank it for showing up to teach us and/or invite meaningful change?

It opens the doorway to transformation.

Letting Go

Autumn sings her hymns of letting go.
Let it go, the leaves whisper
as they transform and release
effortlessly into the ground.
Let it go, shout the voices from my past.
Let it go, begs my karmic path.

And there were times when I let go,
instead of speaking for my truth.
There were times letting go trapped
me in a cycle of complacency.
Rather than fight for what I wanted
or how I felt,
I let it go.
When I asserted boundaries and they
backfired, I surrendered.
I let go of my ego.
I let go of my voice.
I let go of my worth.

And now I know that harmony
doesn’t mean surrender.
It doesn’t mean settling, enduring.
It doesn’t compromise or accept
duty over love.
I know that wanting something happens
for a reason. To teach me
that I’m worthy enough to receive it.
And when doubt stands in the way,
tries to convince me that I’m better off,
or that I should give up,
I let doubt go.

Step into your light codes

As you’re upgrading, you’ll encounter many tests. These tests are designed to assess your readiness for the next level and create space to receive new growth and possibilities. Some of these end up being fairly obvious: the same empty promises or hollow words you’ve heard a million times, the bad habit that isn’t serving your highest good, the reappearing business deal you’ve already turned down, a past relationship resurfacing with someone who still isn’t ready, the same triggers that once made you upset but now you see them coming. Most aware and awakened people are able to move through these tests with understanding and grace, knowing when things simply aren’t meant to be.

But sometimes we have situations that occupy so much space and energy, that the simple notion of letting go feels agonizing — even if we know it needs to happen. We hang on, bury the emotions, try to make it fit, distract, hide, repress, run away, make excuses... SO MANY of us are going through this right now. We’re being asked to step up, step out — and in our hearts we know what’s holding us back, but it feels too difficult or painful. I see you.

Letting go of things doesn’t necessarily mean they’re gone forever (although sometimes it does). But it may mean that it just doesn’t fit right now. It may mean that some person/belief/emotion/etc. is holding you back from your truest embodied self. Perhaps when you step into that higher vibration, the thing that once was an obstacle becomes more aligned. Maybe it becomes a distant memory. You never know unless you try.

And it won’t necessarily be easy. The big things become big voids, and those voids need time and space to heal. They need love and attention. They need to be filled with new, light-filled experiences and higher vibrations. They need to be grieved. But through that devotion to your elevation, your light, your dharma, your true self, your embodiment, your empowerment — you’ll discover more magic than you could ever imagine. If you’re in this experience of upgrading, then you’re ready for it. Most likely, you’ve asked for the next level. So step into your light codes. I can’t wait to see you shine. 🙏🏻