Posts tagged memories
Waiting for the thaw

The years pass by like days now,
yet we’re still waiting for the thaw.
This is the last time,
I’ve told myself a thousand times.
but then the ice begins to melt,
and hope arises, or some
glimpse of karmic memory.
An unbreakable cord connecting
this life with the last,
and then a thousand more.

We imagine the what ifs, the untold life
with different puzzle pieces.
Not necessarily better,
but connected, infused
with fantasy and dreams
played out in familiar realms.

We’re getting older now,
and yet more beautiful.
Distant yet deeply connected
by memories. By love.
By hidden truths and emotions
laced in poetic metaphor.
Through our many disciplined choices,
responsibilities, disappointment,
and a thousand promises,
I remember it all.