Discover your innate healing abilities with Reiki

I believe many of us are here on this planet, at this time, to be a healer in one way or another. In my life, I have encountered and maintained relationships with so many people who chose the path of a healer in different ways -- whether it is through holistic methods, healing through the senses, healing with food, healing with physical fitness, healing through art or music, healing animals and pets, healing the planet, healing by supporting others on their path -- I could go on and on. I see Reiki as a gateway, or a tool, to introduce and/or expand healing abilities that exist innately in all of us. If you work or interact with people, animals, plants -- or if you want to use this healing energy for yourself -- then Reiki will enhance and support you in beautiful ways. This practice, this gift, is for everyone.

Some part of me always knew that hands could heal. Even as a kid, I used to imagine sending energy from my heart and through my hands. As an adult, becoming Reiki-attuned seemed like the natural path, and the path of the healer has resonated ever since. Everything I do is enhanced by Reiki. I use Reiki for myself. I offer intuitive one-on-one healing sessions. I incorporate Reiki into my yoga teaching and practice. I offer healing to my family and pets. I Reiki my food before I eat it, my teaching materials before I use them, the products I use on my body, the bed I sleep in, the crystals I use, and so much more. I have studied and explored many Reiki and other healing traditions as a result of my first attunement.

The next natural thing on this journey of life is to align my love for teaching with my love for healing. I would be honored to be a teacher and guide for you if you are called to this path of healing -- whether it is to heal others or heal yourself. 

Reiki I is the first step of an important and meaningful journey that I hope you will take with me. The training and attunement is being held on May 19 at Central Mass Yoga And Wellness. In this training, I will teach you the basics and beyond. You will learn about subtle energy, the chakra system, what it means to be a healer, how Reiki works, how you can use it, meditations to connect you with Source energy, and so much more utilizing my unique approach and background. You will receive a Reiki I certificate, an attunement to open you up to Reiki energy, and a manual for your practice. Reiki I will also prepare you for the energy of Reiki II, which takes place on June 16.

Embarking on this path will change your life. It will change how you see and interact with the world. If this is something you're open to, then learn more at or contact me for more information.

Cultivating exquisite balance

The theme of relationship and balance keeps resonating this month. I recently stumbled upon a blog post that discussed the solar plexus connection between twin flame relationships. According to this writer, twin flames share the same masculine/solar/manifestation energy. If one twin is in a creation and manifestation phase, the other twin will be in a dormant, receptive phase. The twin who is not utilizing the masculine solar plexus energy will sometimes feel helpless in their ability to change their situation or create a new one. Oftentimes the energies will shift back and forth between the two. Ideally, there should be a balance in the use of energy, but this doesn't happen unless there is acknowledgement of the connection.

This seemed depressing to me, but then I thought about how our entire lives are a constant journey to find and achieve balance. In work, we may go through periods of intense stress and busy-ness followed by periods of stagnancy. In relationships, if we find one person who fulfills so many of our intimate needs, we may spend less time on other relationships. If there are certain aspects of our lives that seem lacking, we may seek out people who fill those gaps with their personalities or lifestyles. Oftentimes, things naturally fall into balance without us even noticing or realizing, because the Universe operates in this way.

There are also many ways that the pendulum can swing into extremes. We have equally as much wealth, power, and entitlement in this world as we have poverty and suffering. There are extremes of people seeking salvation as there are people seeking distraction from anything that allows them to feel. We have enough food to feed the entire planet, but the power (and our willingness to give that power away) to control is too strong. Eventually the pendulum will swing in the other direction, but the transition will be messy. The ideal in all situations is to find that exquisite balance -- the neutral point where the pendulum ceases to exist.

The simple acknowledgement and understanding that things will find a way to balance is enough to create your reality. If you knew that you were balancing your power center with a twin flame, would you want to utilize all of that power for yourself? Or would you want both of you to succeed? If we disagree with someone, do we want to destroy them and take them down, or do we simply want to make sure all voices are heard? It is possible to be completely empowered in your own being-ness and purpose and still allow others to achieve the same -- even if they are different.

The need to control or give away power is just a distraction. It's an unconscious behavior that keeps us in a loop of disconnection. Real balance comes with understanding, self-love, love of others, and the desire and ability to serve and share your gifts. If we ignore the pendulum, the distractions and the noise, they will cease to exist.

Manifestation requires dedication

Collectively everyone gets that itch in the early spring to start accomplishing big dreams and making ideas happen. This is the perfect time for manifestation. And true manifestation requires dedication. It requires knowing where you can set limits to make space for action. 

I don't particularly like to set limits on myself. Even just that word -- limits -- sounds stifling. But I have a million limits and boundaries and so do you. For example, limiting foods that don't make us feel good allows the body to remain healthy and vibrant. When I feel good, I can accomplish 100 times more than when I feel run down and tired. I love pizza, but when I eat a lot of pizza, I don't feel great the next day. So I don't eat it every day. ;-)

Lately (actually constantly) I have been thinking about how much time is focused on social media and online networking. Limiting screen time or creating boundaries on social media usage creates more time for other things. I also notice that I feel better when I'm not thinking about social media. Confidence improves, and I can focus on manifesting the important tasks at hand. This takes dedication, because our entire social fabric revolves around online networking, but when you give it decreased value, it starts to have less of a tug on your time and space.

Self-care is a big one. We think about self-care as a luxury we can afford when time allows. I invite you to think about prioritizing your self-care first and scheduling everything else around it. Find a day on your calendar that has some flexibility. Block if off, and don't let anything else get in the way. That's your time, and you deserve it. I love to teach yoga, but I know I have a limit on how many classes I can teach per day and at what times. It is my duty to honor that so I can be present for my students. My work and classes are better because I make sure to honor those boundaries. 

What limits and boundaries can you bring into your life to help you achieve your goals? Are you giving attention to things that don't make you happy? What can you do to create a different outlook or more space to find that sense of joy? Springtime is all about new birth, growth, and dedication. Become dedicated to yourself. 


Currently Reading: The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing

So, I've had this book for a while. I've read it before. And, I even included it on my resources page. But this past month, I have been delving deeply into my study of essential oils and aromatherapy, and this book has been my number one guide.

I love all of the books Margaret Ann Lembo has offered (she also has an excellent book about crystals and their properties). The design is eye-catching and beautiful, and I would like to think she got her font and layout choices from my website (although this book was probably published before my website was launched). The reason why I love this particular aromatherapy book so much is because it includes not only the basic properties of the oils, but the details about complementary oils, correspondences, and crystals to work with. Also, some books or descriptions only talk about the medicinal uses. Lembo goes into this AND the emotional, mental, and spiritual uses. She offers a beautiful affirmation for each oil and some divine guidance.

And yes, I know some people prefer to stick to the purely therapeutic benefits of oils, but I am an airy fairy who believes in all the things, and I believe aromatherapy is powerful magic. If you're an essential oil enthusiast, want to learn more about oils, or a lover of magic and all things healing, you will love this book. And, if you want to know more about how to get your hands on the best quality essential oils out there, please contact me

Mandi Garrison
What is Kripalu Yoga?
Tree Pose at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health

Tree Pose at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health

The first time I remember taking a formal Kripalu class was around five years ago. I was in the midst of a love affair with Kundalini yoga, and went to attend a workshop with one of my favorite Kundalini teachers at a time when many of the most well-known teachers were gathering at the Kripalu Center. I was, of course, excited and arrived ridiculously early to settle in, explore the building, and eventually walked into an intermediate Kripalu yoga class. 

It was packed. The energy was palpable, and it was a different type of atmosphere than I was used to. Cushions instead of bolsters. No air conditioning. A diverse array of people at varied levels of ability. A teacher elevated on a podium with a headset. I cannot now remember who the teacher was or the sequence in general, but I do remember listening to the theme of ARRIVAL. I remember a powerful centering focused on breath awareness. I remember meditative dynamic warm-ups.

I remember the beginning of class when we held bridge pose for an extended period of time and I watched flashes of impatience rise in my thoughts. The teacher asked us to pause and direct our awareness to the sensations of the posture. She asked us to imagine how we could learn to fall in love with this shape if we stayed for a long period of time. I felt the heat generating in the back of my legs, my belly stretching, the prana and energy arising in my throat, and the sensation of my feet pressing on the ground. I noticed a small ache in my low back and made a tiny adjustment, resulting in an even more expansive wave of pranic energy. 

I may not have fallen in love with bridge pose that day, but I did fall in love with Kripalu yoga. 

Kripalu yoga, as you can probably guess, is very much like traditional Hatha yoga. The poses are similar, and there are different levels of practice ranging from gentle to vinyasa. What sets Kripalu apart, in my opinion, are three primary components:

Self-Exploration: In my class example, I had the time and the space to explore my expression of bridge pose and ended up making an adjustment that took the pose to a new level. Kripalu encourages this idea of self-empowerment and exploration, so that the practitioner can really start to develop an intimate relationship with their body through the practice of yoga. It's more than just landing in a pose -- it's exploring and feeling and watching how the pose generates energy, creates sensation, and affects your unique body. Similarly, students are encouraged to listen carefully to their bodies to make the practice work best for them.

Beginning, Middle and End: After ten immersive days of Vinyasa training with Coby Kozlowski, these words have been hammered in my mind like a permanent brand. In this context, every Kripalu class and every Kripalu pose has a beginning, a middle, and an end. In the beginning of class, the student is guided into body and breath awareness to create space for the practice. This is typically followed by gentle dynamic warm-ups to prepare the muscles and joints. The middle of the class includes all poses and the sequence. The end incorporates a cooling down period, shavasana, and some sort of closure that assists students in taking their practice with them and off of their mats. Each class weaves in a theme that is carried throughout each component of the practice and assists students in self-study. Kripalu yoga aims to create an experience that enables students to continue their practice long after class is complete. 

Beyond the Physical Practice: Kripalu yoga classes are a physical practice, but they are designed to create awareness of the self beyond just the body. Pranayama or breathwork is almost always a component (of my classes anyways), because it helps to generate energy or Prana to enhance the overall sequence and theme. There is a strong focus on inner awareness and noticing how the practice affects the subtle bodies. The sequences are designed to go beyond strength/flexibility (although you will definitely achieve that), to a level that starts to generate energy in particular ways to promote healing and awakening. As Richard Faulds writes, "Regular practice stimulates an ongoing process of positive change that inspires you to realize your full potential."


I'm bringing my love of this practice to Central Mass Yoga & Wellness in two new Kripalu classes. Starting in March, join me for Kripalu Vinyasa on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 and Level 1 Kripalu on Thursday evenings at 5:30. Check out the events page for more information and a free class opportunity.

Book Recommendations 

Mandi Garrison
Currently Reading: Invincible Living by Guru Jagat
Invincible Living

Just when I felt it was time for new influences in my life, Guru Jagat arrived as a parting gift from a former coworker. Guru Jagat had only been slightly on my radar, because I saw some promising kundalini yoga classes on Gaia TV (P.S. if you don't subscribe to Gaia, you MUST!!), yet I knew nothing of this wonderful and inspiring book. I immediately started to devour it, wondering: Where has this amazing Guru been all my life? 

If you love kundalini yoga, you'll love this book. If you are new to kundalini yoga, you'll love this book. If you don't know anything about kundalini yoga, grab this book! It will change your life. Invincible Living discusses the benefits of a kundalini yoga practice, but it goes so much deeper than that. This book dives into the inner workings of the physical body, the nervous system, the brain, and the heart. She talks about beauty and how to incorporate practices for radiance every day. She discusses the nervous system: why we are stressed and what to do about it. She weaves in the aging process throughout, reminding us how everything -- from the habits we create to the food we eat -- is connected to our physical health and the speed of aging. There are so many yoga, meditation, pranayam, and daily routine practices that I'll be using forever. The best part is, there were so many times I shouted, yes, YES, YES!! -- because Guru Jagat put into words what I had been trying to articulate for so long.

I would love for you to pick up this book and read along with me and let me know, in the comment section below, what you think. I have also started taking her classes on Gaia TV, and they did not disappoint!

The Hope of Imbolc: Celebrating the Halfway Point of Winter and the Return of the Sun

This is a repost of last year's blog that was published on All of these words still ring true for me today. It's time to prepare, clean out the clutter, and make space. There's work ahead. :) 

"…as Imbolc rises, the energy changes. The snowdrops are flowering, the crocuses elbowing their way through the soil. Though the nights are still long and the air is even colder, we know the tides of the year have turned. The sun is rising nearer to the east, there are lambs in the fields on wobbly legs, shaking their tails. If not yet inspired to clean out the kitchen cupboards and repaint the skirting, we are starting to formulate, to create from those plans that have been greatly cooking deep inside. It’s time to consider making tentative first steps." -- Emma Restall Orr

About two weeks ago, I suddenly had this incredible urge to declutter my home. I was sitting on the couch, looking at my surroundings, and thinking about the million-and-a-half things I had to do, when I realized: “I can’t get anything done until I get my house in order.” Now, it wasn’t that my house was particularly messy or disorganized — there was just TOO MUCH STUFF. How did I accumulate so much? Where did it come from? And why now?

Have you ever wanted to take a class or read about something or study for a test, but you couldn’t do it until you got the right binder, the best planner, new pens, a tidy work space, a new computer, etc.? There is something deeply ingrained in the human mind that needs to create a sense of order and space before we can tackle new projects. This behavior repeats itself in the natural flow of the seasons. In wintertime, when the days shorten and the sun remains low, we are not creating space for anything except rest. If we don’t rest, turn inside, and follow these natural rhythms, we become too exhausted, mentally and physically, to tackle anything new when spring comes. And as the Wheel of the Year turns, the days become longer, and the work starts to formulate — that desire to create space emerges.

This time of the year — the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox — was a time when families and friends would gather together in front of a warm hearth and begin the planning process for the planting season. It was an important and celebrated time. It was and is a HOPEFUL time. Winter is difficult. It’s dark and punishing and seems to go on forever. When people lived off the land, it was also a stressful time, because they worried about having enough food, enough firewood, or enough supplies for the animals. I would argue that these anxieties remain today, but manifest in different forms. We may worry about whether we can make it to work in the snow, if we will have enough money to pay for heat, if we will ever get around to accomplishing our goals.

That is why Imbolc (Feb. 1) is so beautiful. That inner fire starts to reemerge as the sun returns and lingers. We can see the end of the season, and we begin to plan for what’s to come. Wishes, ideas, creative projects, and opportunities all seem to arise out of nowhere. We look around and suddenly get that kick to make space, to plan, to prepare, to HOPE. Our yoga practice also begins to change. It’s not quite time to increase our activity too much, but we can start to create new space in our bodies and hearts. We can clean out the clutter and stagnant energy lingering in our muscles and joints. It’s a great time to work on the lymphatic system, stretch, and salute the sun.

If you’re wondering, I did get my house in order, and soon after, I read about four books, enrolled in new training programs, bought concert tickets, planned a trip, started my tax planning, wrote this blog, and made other work-related commitments for 2017. I’m still in the resting phase, but I know the work is about to begin. And I feel ready.

Mandi Garrison
Jupiter's transit through Scorpio: Secrets revealed

These are interesting times we're in. Just about every day there is some new revelation related to sexual misconduct in the news. And here's the thing. I don't make a point of following the news, I'm hearing it second-hand. So for all I know, this is more ingrained, more prevalent than what is within my awareness. And yet, it is enough in my awareness that I'm blogging about it.

Jupiter is a large, powerful, and slow-moving planet that transits through a sign for a long period of time (usually a year). Because of this, Jupiter transits are highly impactful for the collective consciousness. Anytime Jupiter transitions from one sign to another, we feel it in a huge way. It also retrogrades frequently and for long periods of time, which means it can move quickly, and then stay lingering in an area for a while.

What Jupiter brings us is an expansion of whatever it touches. Jupiter is benefic in the sense that it creates and provides, but it can manifest as excess. People with strong Jupiter or Sagittarius in their natal chart have to be careful about having too much of a good thing. Before October of this year (2017), Jupiter was having a grand time in the harmonious and relationship-oriented sign of Libra, providing all of us with an expansion of what it means to be in relationship, part of a community -- and on the shadow side, what it means to see others as a mirror of our own shortfalls. Libra is also very idealogical and politically minded, so there was a lot of exploration around segregation and debate of ideology, morals, and groups. Yes, Libra wants everyone to just get along, but who's the judge? Too much Libra (as you may have noticed) can turn into a constant debate of who's right and who's wrong. 

Now Jupiter is working its way through Scorpio, and it wasn't something I was necessarily looking forward to, but it's manifesting in an interesting way. Scorpio can be a difficult sign. It deals with sex, power, money, and the shadow. Where Libra (as idealogical as he may be) is willing to conjecture and debate on just about any topic, Scorpio isn't really interested in debate. Scorpio is certain about their perspective. But Scorpio is also very secretive, and with a benefic planet transiting through a difficult sign, those secrets are being unmasked in powerful ways. And it's not surprising that it all revolves around sex, power, money, and the shadow.

Almost immediately after Jupiter entered Scorpio, the news about Harvey Weinstein was revealed and the #metoo movement began. And it's been a constant stream of revelations since. Jupiter will be in Scorpio for another year, so it's not going to end anytime soon. I expect we'll see more unmasking. I expect an exploration of how power is created, maintained, and inherited. I expect to see the dark closets of some of the most powerful people. I expect we will discover why and how we have so easily surrendered our power to the other rather than ourselves. 

This past year with Jupiter in Libra, we learned what it means to be united and yet divided, the dangers of complacency, the mirror of our own shadow, and the possibilities of connection and collective energy. Now, in Scorpio, Jupiter will show us that centralized power is only created by our willingness to surrender our own power. That we can claim it back for ourselves. That we can speak our truth without repercussion. That most of what we believe to be real and true is a smokescreen. That we can create our own reality, our own rules.

Personally, I am looking forward to secrets being revealed from the shadow. I am interested in what is real. I have discovered interesting revelations of my own from people that I know and trust. The true natures of individuals are also being revealed, and it's not always easy medicine, but it's important. Be willing and open to find and discover truth, and you'll discover how profound and meaningful this cycle can be.

Samhain: The end and the beginning

It’s darker. It’s colder. It’s hauntingly beautiful. It’s haunted. This is the time of the year when I start to feel that pull, that itch to make a change. To let something die.

I always seem to make big life-changing decisions in October/November. I started and ended jobs, got married, bought a house, adopted pets… I even enrolled for yoga teacher training around this time three years ago and will graduate with my advanced 500-hour certification next month. Scorpio season doesn’t mess around. There are no superficial thoughts or decisions. Just depth and hard truths. Sacrificing the mundane for real and purposeful change.

Humans have an interesting relationship with death. Most of our decisions and actions are based around a fear of death. We aim to live forever, whether in body or reputation. We tend to avoid difficult change or endings. How many of us have been caught in stagnancy or routine out of fear? *Raises hand* How many of us want change but are too attached to what we know?

What if you had one day to do anything you wanted? To really let your freak flag fly? What would you do? Why?

Our fascination with the “what ifs” and the mysterious shadow of the unknown is probably why we are so drawn to holidays like Samhain, which, to put it bluntly, is about death. We get an opportunity to be someone else, go somewhere else, dance with the shadow, explore the depths, and face our fears. Those of us who are intuitive can also feel the veil thinning and our intuitions deepening. I know for me personally, the intuitive messages and dreams that are coming to me could not be clearer. We are drawn into that heightened ability to communicate with and explore other realms. We all feel it, some perhaps more than others, and we all seek answers.

Samhain (pronounced SOW-in) is where all of our Halloween traditions come from. It is celebrated on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 in the northern hemisphere, and the official marker is sunset on Oct. 31. On the wheel of the year, everything ends on Samhain and everything begins. The life sprouting from the earth begins to die and sleep. The trees lose their foliage. The sun lowers in the sky. Summer and the light half of the year is officially over. The real work of this season is to turn inside, let go of the doing, and rest. No matter how modern or technologically advanced we become, we are all just guests here on planet Earth, and we will always be beholden to her shifts. Winter has officially begun.

With these changes, it’s natural for people to get depressed, anxious, or melancholy. Earth is asking us to look at what needs to be released and let go. The season is asking us to move forward and make decisions, now. So if you are having a difficult time, ask yourself: Is there something in your life that needs to be released? What do you need to accomplish in order to rest with Earth? What small or big actions can you take to align more with your heart? Your purpose? What phases of your life need to die out? How can you strengthen your relationships with the things/people you can’t possibly lose? How can you be more in flow with the natural cycles around you and inside you? Now is the time for finality.

Perhaps the practice of wearing a mask or a costume on Halloween isn’t so much about taking the opportunity to be someone or something else. Maybe it’s more about showing a piece of who you are. A piece that you normally keep hidden. Samhain can be this incredible opportunity to witness everyone at their most true, vulnerable, dark, and beautiful.

You can fight it. Or, you can let your freak flag fly. :)

To close, I’ll share a powerful meditation that one of my teachers, Athena, offered a few days ago:

Think of everything you love and fear, everything that inspires you, and everything you feel a magnetic pull towards. 

Then ask yourself… Why?

Mandi Garrison
Astrology of the divine union

October astrology is all about the union of divine opposites. TODAY, as the moon reaches its completion point in Aries (ruled by Mars), opposite Libra (ruled by Venus), Mars and Venus come to an exact conjunction in the sky -- meaning they join in the same degree in Virgo (ruled by Chiron).

These transits create an intense union of masculine/feminine energies in an activating and potentially healing way. And in a nontraditional way. Some of you may be familiar with the term Twin Flame. A Twin Flame is different than what we romanticize as a soulmate relationship. Some believe that Twins are two halves of a soul: one half embodies the traditional masculine energies and one embodies feminine energies.

These twin souls are an exact reflection, or a mirror. They may have similar backgrounds, physical characteristics, constitutions, or life lessons. They may respond or think in a similar way. But otherwise, they are moving in opposites. They can reflect back exactly what the other needs to see, and many times in ways they don't want to see. Between the two is a love and understanding so deep and powerful, that a union would be more than a human body could bear. This is why most Twins do not reincarnate together, and when they do, there are usually a multitude of factors keeping them from having a relationship. 

Mars conjunct Venus is exactly the energy of that union. It is activating. It is powerful. It will create feelings of intense love. But it can also change things in a nontraditional way. It can shift relationships that aren't working in union. It can create awareness about a relationship or a feeling of love that changes everything. And as human beings just trying to survive, many of us aren't looking for this change. My advice is to live every day like everything will change (because it always does).

Next week, Jupiter will move from the sign of relationships (Libra) into Scorpio, which will create finality on any decisions happening during this short window of time. So now is the time to tell someone how you feel, because if they feel the relationship is stagnating, they will move on and may never come back. There is also incredible opportunity to use these energies to begin a new relationship that could change your life.

Don't you just love Love?

Mandi Garrison
Musings on the 8 Limbs: Asana
Mandi on the mountain

Patanjali's eight steps or limbs leading to liberation brings us to number three: Asana. We all think we understand asana. Many great teachers have outlined various yoga poses that can provide physical, mental and spiritual benefits. When I first began my yoga studies, I researched Iyengar's Light on Yoga as if it were a yogic bible. (And if you haven't read this book and are interested in yoga, I highly recommend it.)

If I were to give you MY definition of asana, I would define it as a posture that creates an energetic shift in the body. Being a sensitive person, I feel energy very profoundly and can attest that holding your body in a certain way DOES create a shift. Not only can the postures shift the way you breathe and react on a very physical level, but they affect the 72,000 energetic nadis that carry prana or life force to every cell in the body. I like to imagine that a yoga practice helps bring my cells into harmony, and I'll often ask students to visualize this as well. Every pose, every movement we make -- whether choreographed or not -- is affecting your energy. If you've taken a Yin class with me, you'll often hear me talking about how certain poses or sequences will enhance organ function in subtle or deep ways. And I can attest to this not only in my own body, but in the responses from students when they tell me about the healing effects.

The classic definition of asana as outlined in the Yoga Sutras and other ancient texts is simply a "seat." And this is incredibly important and intentional. In order to achieve liberation from a yogic perspective, you must be positioned in a way that allows energy to flow. Once we journey to the subsequent limbs, such as Pranayama, it will be clear that these practices are more effective when the body is appropriately prepared.

In many of the ancient yogic traditions, the sequencing of poses was designed to achieve comfort in a steady seat for meditation. My teacher, Lucy Cimini, often talks about how the early yogis watched the movement of animals to see how they achieved comfort for long periods of time, and then they created or adapted similar poses. Again, this is all about energy. If you're in a seated position for a long period of time, and you feel uncomfortable, where is your energy going? The discomfort is created from energy, the reaction creates more energy, and your thoughts are then directed towards that energy. The yoga poses help us prepare the body for a steady flow of energy so we can achieve a sense of liberation.

I have experienced and witnessed many accounts of people feeling intense releases in yoga poses, surfacing emotions, uncovering stuck trauma, or experiencing that sensation of pranic release for the first time. The poses are POWERFUL in the ways they shift or free energy in the body. And the ancient yogis considered the body a physical representation of our soul, and revered it as a temple that must be taken care of and presented in the image of divinity.

Since I was a child, I have been determined to take care of my body and maintain health. Partly because I want to be 90 years old and still doing handstands in my kitchen and hiking up mountains, but also because I want to feel good at all times. I don't want to be uncomfortable in my body. I want to live life to the fullest. That is my liberation. 

I would also encourage people to view asana from the energetic perspective and be curious about different yoga practices. I know that if I do the same poses in the same way every day, energy can stagnate in other parts of the body. I also know that feelings of resistance about certain poses can often mean that I need to practice those the most. And the same goes for fast-paced versus slow-paced, flow versus stillness. And FEEL the shift in your body after a pose. When you become more aware of energy and the resonance of a yoga postures, you will fall in love with the practice all over again. 

I fall back in love with it every day. :)

Book Recommendations

Mandi Garrison