Astrology of the divine union


October astrology is all about the union of divine opposites. TODAY, as the moon reaches its completion point in Aries (ruled by Mars), opposite Libra (ruled by Venus), Mars and Venus come to an exact conjunction in the sky -- meaning they join in the same degree in Virgo (ruled by Chiron).

These transits create an intense union of masculine/feminine energies in an activating and potentially healing way. And in a nontraditional way. Some of you may be familiar with the term Twin Flame. A Twin Flame is different than what we romanticize as a soulmate relationship. Some believe that Twins are two halves of a soul: one half embodies the traditional masculine energies and one embodies feminine energies.

These twin souls are an exact reflection, or a mirror. They may have similar backgrounds, physical characteristics, constitutions, or life lessons. They may respond or think in a similar way. But otherwise, they are moving in opposites. They can reflect back exactly what the other needs to see, and many times in ways they don't want to see. Between the two is a love and understanding so deep and powerful, that a union would be more than a human body could bear. This is why most Twins do not reincarnate together, and when they do, there are usually a multitude of factors keeping them from having a relationship. 

Mars conjunct Venus is exactly the energy of that union. It is activating. It is powerful. It will create feelings of intense love. But it can also change things in a nontraditional way. It can shift relationships that aren't working in union. It can create awareness about a relationship or a feeling of love that changes everything. And as human beings just trying to survive, many of us aren't looking for this change. My advice is to live every day like everything will change (because it always does).

Next week, Jupiter will move from the sign of relationships (Libra) into Scorpio, which will create finality on any decisions happening during this short window of time. So now is the time to tell someone how you feel, because if they feel the relationship is stagnating, they will move on and may never come back. There is also incredible opportunity to use these energies to begin a new relationship that could change your life.

Don't you just love Love?

Mandi Garrison