Posts tagged love


With one look, one memory,

Into a spiral of dharma.

On destiny’s map, I found love

In molten rock,

Monuments and mountains,

Portals and raging waterfalls,

Testaments to the gods.

I found purpose

In bare feet,

Movement of muscles and the glow

Of exposed skin and deep breaths,

Pages upon pages of writings

On destiny and desire.

We stayed within our boxes, but

My walls were crumbling,

And sacred contracts became

Invisible lines. Freedom,

The true love that reaches her hand

Begging you to jump. Waiting,

Always waiting.

Always waiting.

Never leaving.

Yet while this world grows lighter,

Other walls grow stronger.

Somewhere in my silent reflections

On longing,

Duty became an impenetrable fortress,

No longer in my memory,

But deeply in yours.

While I’ve been harnessing power


Other sources are so freely given,

And invisible lines become stern ships

Making waves

That want to drown me.

I can no longer cross that line,

Nor will I submit to shame.

I took the hand of freedom,


When I chose ME.

These boxes of separation

do not belong in my reality.

They’re designed to keep you apart

From who you really are,

What you really want,

And can last a lifetime if you let them.

(And you might.)-

But I’m done waiting.

I made my choice, long ago,

The moment I decided to come here

For love.

The energy of relationships

Relationships are sacred mirrors. In the quantum realm, everything and everyone are projections of your co-creation with the universe.

Relationships are vision holders, sparks of inspiration, catalysts for growth, protectors, guardians, guides, agitators, and more — showing you the many ways of existing in this human/earth experience. They teach you about connection, love, and living by being/embodying their individual essence and emanating the different manifestations of creation and life force.

When you play the expectations game in your relationships/friendships, you are essentially shutting down the movement of energy that forges the connection. We all have different ways of giving and receiving love, and embracing these differences expands our own capacity to love. Without expectation or demands, the energy between your connection will flow naturally, as it is meant to. It then becomes easier to know the appropriate and beneficial level of energy exchange and be at peace that everything manifests as it should.

People don’t exist to serve you. They are a mirror of the experience of life and the connection to self. When you push away, judge, criticize, obsess, or feel disappointed in someone else, you are doing the same to yourself. Instead of projecting on someone else, turn that back and ask, what do I need? Where am I not showing up for myself? Why am I triggered by this behavior, and how can I best reflect the energy I want to see mirrored back to me? —> “Nobody owes me anything.” These four words can change your life.

At the same time, it’s important to close energetic connections with those who are essentially draining or manipulating your life force for their own personal gain. Closure is not necessary in these situations. Just walk away and reclaim your energy.

These past few months have been huge testing grounds for relationships. Everything built on an unsteady foundation is coming apart. All of it is bringing you back to yourself — because the only way you can truly LOVE another without attachments or expectations is to love yourself first.

Light of love

Love doesn’t care about the surface-layer projections.

It doesn’t live in empty words or fantasies.

It can’t be found under mountains of expectation or in dark caves of promise without empathy.

It is already around you, within you, in the arms of those who will always be there.

The only thing love seeks for the table is you. It only wants you to be happy. It isn’t asking for anything in return.

Love wants you to see the purest vibration of itself (yourself) in every facet of your being — which is perfection.

And may the light of love always guide you in that direction.

Mandi Garrisontarot, loveComment
Whole and Complete

My soul is complete,
Whole and integrated.
Not a fragment of two
Or yearning for the half.
I am both shadow and light
The moon and the sun
The leaves and the roots.
I create from the one flow.
Co-creating with Divinity,
She is me, and I am her.
She is all that lives within.
I am not seeking God
From gurus or altered realities.
The All is where I am.
Every polarity
And universal truth
exist in me.
I am Eternal Love
Whole and complete.

Infinite Love

The ego wants it all.
Suffering as proof of worthiness.
But the heart knows,
Love doesn’t ask for these things.
Underneath it all,
This human suit we wear,
The choices we make,
And the responsibilities we carry,
The energy of Love is eternal.
It already exists without asking,
Without changing anything.
And there it will remain,
From searching to recognition,
Separation to union,
Awareness to devotion,
And the infinite space.
There we are.

Align with Love

There are no rules to life. There are no structures or institutions more powerful than your own divinity. Only fear prevents us from believing that we can be happy and have everything we need. This fear is designed by the very systems prospering from our believed lack of worth. Don’t let them convince you that freedom leads to suffering. Freedom leads to awakening.

Call yourself out on your own beliefs. You don’t need to stay trapped in a routine that is killing your joy. You don’t need to appease the people that are causing you to suffer in doubt. You don’t need to follow man-made rules to connect to spirituality. You don’t need to feel shame by being yourself. You don’t need to align with anything that boxes you in or creates division.

You can create your own path and be successful. You can walk away from your conditioning and programmed belief systems. You can align with your gifts and authenticity and manifest everything you need. Step confidently into your worth and feel your own power. Create your own reality. Don’t worry about what the matrix is doing, or the next strategy of divide and shame. Align with love and join the great awakening. 🙌🏻