The energy of relationships


Relationships are sacred mirrors. In the quantum realm, everything and everyone are projections of your co-creation with the universe.

Relationships are vision holders, sparks of inspiration, catalysts for growth, protectors, guardians, guides, agitators, and more — showing you the many ways of existing in this human/earth experience. They teach you about connection, love, and living by being/embodying their individual essence and emanating the different manifestations of creation and life force.

When you play the expectations game in your relationships/friendships, you are essentially shutting down the movement of energy that forges the connection. We all have different ways of giving and receiving love, and embracing these differences expands our own capacity to love. Without expectation or demands, the energy between your connection will flow naturally, as it is meant to. It then becomes easier to know the appropriate and beneficial level of energy exchange and be at peace that everything manifests as it should.

People don’t exist to serve you. They are a mirror of the experience of life and the connection to self. When you push away, judge, criticize, obsess, or feel disappointed in someone else, you are doing the same to yourself. Instead of projecting on someone else, turn that back and ask, what do I need? Where am I not showing up for myself? Why am I triggered by this behavior, and how can I best reflect the energy I want to see mirrored back to me? —> “Nobody owes me anything.” These four words can change your life.

At the same time, it’s important to close energetic connections with those who are essentially draining or manipulating your life force for their own personal gain. Closure is not necessary in these situations. Just walk away and reclaim your energy.

These past few months have been huge testing grounds for relationships. Everything built on an unsteady foundation is coming apart. All of it is bringing you back to yourself — because the only way you can truly LOVE another without attachments or expectations is to love yourself first.