Posts tagged musings
Opening to Transformation

There is a difference between pushing something away and letting something go.

Pushing something away may provide a temporary relief from discomfort, but that energy doesn’t go away. Instead, it gets pushed unto the subtle layers of your subconscious or even the physical layers of your body. Pushing something away doesn’t leave space for processing or healing. Energy comes into your field like a magnet. Running from a magnet allows it to keep following you. Similarly, pushing a magnet away is just inviting it to come back, and with force. Avoiding it... well that does absolutely nothing.

Letting something go happens when you are ready. It happens when you create the space for processing, acknowledging, seeing, and healing. It happens when you realize something no longer serves or has run its course. It happens when you sit with the discomfort, as a teacher, and allow it to move through you without trying to run, change, or push it away. Discomfort can be a great teacher. Discomfort can be a powerful motivator. Discomfort can be love.

What happens when we look at the very thing that makes us uncomfortable and thank it for showing up to teach us and/or invite meaningful change?

It opens the doorway to transformation.