You are every miracle


The body is not something to fear. Yes, it’s impermanent. Yes, it’s mortal. Yes, it ages. But the body is an expression of a greater power that lives within us. If we removed all of these layers of skin, flesh, muscle, and bone — what form would we take? we would be formless. we would merge with all that is both formless and formed. But here, in the body, we get to FEEL. We have senses. We can experience energy through sensation. There’s pain, yes, but also pleasure. Sometime the body gets sick, and we feel the weight and discomfort of healing and cellular reprogramming. But it knows what to do. The formless within can help create the conditions for transformation. It can guide us to tools that create optimal energy flow. And it reminds me, always, how bless we are to FEEL.

The biology of the earth is a sacred continuous dance of life and death. Death and life. The physical life-forms on earth bloom and express their nature, then fade away and release their life force as the seasons change. But they are always alive, always ETERNAL. And they choose to return again and again to express their beauty, to receive the sun’s warmth, to feed, to propagate, and experience their divinity in physical form. There’s a sacred understanding on the earth that all biological forms support this eternal flow — the Gaia expression of God.

How we choose to honor this blessed body can support this gift of life. We can see it as an obstacle to our happiness, or as a tool to our awakening. It’s a beautiful thing to be alive, and even to realize that this body is temporary. This body is an experience that we’ll only have once. Love this body that you chose. Care for it. Honor its life and feel into its gifts.

The intelligence of the body is the most powerful tool you’ll have in this cycle of life. To awaken to its power may seem miraculous to the human mind, but it’s the most natural aspect of earthly creation. You are, already, every miracle.

Mandi GarrisonComment