Invocation for changing times


Breathing in the element of air, the winds of change, rustling autumn leaves and shifting clouds of thought. May the air lift me from complacency and into my highest expression and sacred song — the voice of truth reverberating throughout the cosmos, love freely expressed as cool gusts remove the barriers of isolation and judgment.

Stepping into the dragon’s flames, the element of fire that burns through cords of attachment and karmic trappings, and eliminates any longing of the ego not in service to my highest good. Flames of spirit protect me from those who wish to take from me or cause me harm, from manipulations of light and darkness that attempt to bind with illusion and false promises. Let the flames of courage burn and brighten in me to fulfill my sacred service.

Plunging into the sacred chalice of water, the flow of grace that guides us into shifting seas with steadiness and love. Hold my heart in your protecting and loving embrace, with your gentleness and kind wisdom. Guide me to the seas of unconditional love, where we flow in communion with the divine grid and the frequencies of Source. When the releasing tears fall, let it be for closure and understanding — and the knowing that as cycles end, beautiful beginnings are born.

Walking on and among the stability of earth, atop sacred rock and through dense forests, on mountaintops and flowering meadows — my soles and energy grounding into the powerful presence of now. Remind me with your ancient wisdom how true love remains forever stable and unquestioning, that souls unite and separate when they are ready, and how all unfolds in alignment with the highest good. As the earth’s beauty alights in the frequency of transformation, lead me to the paths and relationships that are in alignment with love, prosperity, growth, and sacred purpose.

And so it is.


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