The greatest teacher
On this path of life, you will encounter many teachers and guides who are willing to share their personal knowledge to support and/or catalyze your journey.
The role of knowledge is to help you awaken your authentic self, and a teacher in integrity will empower you to discover and harness your unique gifts.
A teacher should not make you feel dependent on them.
A teacher should not discourage you from self-exploration beyond their teachings.
A teacher should not claim to have gifts or abilities that are impossible for others.
A teacher should not make it their goal to achieve something in your practice/life that does not feel authentic and natural.
A teacher should teach what they KNOW, what they practice. The best offering someone can give you is their own creation from their individual essence and unique wisdom — not a regurgitated approach from someone else’s teachings that hasn’t been truly lived and embodied.
A teacher should have your best interest in mind throughout your connection and journey together — not the best interest of their personal ego, desires, business, or profit.
Too often, especially in this age of TRUTH, we see “leaders” knowingly or unknowingly use their gifts and abilities to harvest energy from people in vulnerable positions. It is more important that ever to prioritize integrity and ethics in all manners of teaching — and to teach empowerment over dependency. This is a journey of SELF.
You are your own greatest teacher.