My physical practice is essential to me, because I understand the body’s role as a vehicle for soul evolution.
Think of the body as a tuning fork for the multitude of energies we process and manage every day — thoughts, emotions, external frequencies (natural and unnatural), other people’s energy, etc. In my experience, when my body is operating at a higher frequency, I am better able to process energy with clarity. Compassion. Love.
My yoga practice is more than just staying in shape. It’s a devotion to soul. It’s an elevation of my subtle energy field. There’s no right amount of DOing one must accomplish in order to see results. The practice of yoga helps us be in deep reverence to the body. I believe that when the body is shown this love and devotion on a regular basis, it responds to match the frequency.
We’re given this one vehicle in this life to help us achieve what we came here to achieve. What types of messages are you sending to your body? How are you caring for it? What are you coding into the subtle layers? What messages is the body sending YOU? And how can you begin to listen?
In class, I repeatedly remind you to do what feels RIGHT in your body. We’re wayyyy beyond the old paradigm of physical perfection in a yoga practice. We are working at higher levels now and awakening the subtle field much faster than ever before. It starts with LOVING the body. Through love, we deeply listen. Through listening, we move. We breathe. We adjust. We fine-tune the energy field. We start to feel the effects much faster. We bring the spiritual into the physical and the physical into the spiritual.
This is my yoga.