Entering the depths


We have entered the depths of Scorpio season in the northern hemisphere, where the transformation between summer and winter quickly unfolds. The cool winds from the West now have a sharper edge that gets into the bones. Shifting temperatures bring thick fogs and gray clouds. Our bodies adjust accordingly with the shorter days, and, for many, the decreasing energy and productivity can create the fear that we're not doing enough. But when I listen to the indigo twilight evening, I am reminded that nature is always enough. There is a deeper wisdom in the spacious night and in the quiet contemplations of our soul's journey. And sometimes our dharma is to rest. Sometimes the pause is a call for healing. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves space for the transformational process to unfold.

The truth is, we all change. We all grieve. We all have insecurities and fears. We all have moments of shame and guilt. We all make mistakes. We have all experienced illness or dis-ease. We all have karmas. We all have "shadows" that we keep hidden, because we think we are alone. But we are never alone. We live on a planet of 8 billion people -- all navigating the human journey.

When I contemplate the human experience, I realize that none of us will ever truly achieve perfection. And it's too stressful to try. What we CAN aim for is beautiful imperfection. We can celebrate every awkward conversation, every mistake, and every unmet expectation as a hug from the divine creator expressing through us. And we can do our best to wish happiness and peace for every being -- human, animal, plant, dust -- also expressing through their beautiful imperfection. For me personally, when I can do that, it's very difficult to feel alone. It feels like we are all one.