Taurus musings


Taurus. Fixed earth.

Steady drumbeats, getting louder.

Earth awakening, blooming, cascades of green, brightening skies. Life emerges and births into form.

The sun, the light, the fire, the passion. This is the season of Beltane, of divine union.

Steady drumbeats, getting louder.

The thinning veil, the fae folk gathering, earth spirits whispering in your ear. Open your eyes.

There’s magic is the steadiness, in the stability, in the cycles. Everything moves in a circle of life, death, rebirth, life.

Steady drumbeats, getting louder.

The Torus is continually cycling in a consistent flow of change. A deep knowing that what is real is also an illusion. And what is illusion is real.

Feel the earth underneath your feet.

Steady drumbeats, getting louder.

Sun and earth unite. Fall into the arms of divine love and complete trust. Fall into the knowing of where you are and why you’re here. Fall into the wisdom of Gaia.

Breathe into the gift of life. It’s yours.