Watch the Mind


The mind likes to invent all kinds of problems and obstacles that keep us repeating the same addictive thought loops. Are your thoughts keeping you paralyzed in fear or angst? Have you allowed the mind to distract you from the truly important work? Are you letting negative thoughts hold you back from change or growth? Do you keep dwelling on the same issue incessantly until it’s difficult to think of anything else?

Sit and watch the mind for a moment. Where do these thoughts originate? What are the physical and emotional responses they generate? What are they asking you to witness? What are they allowing you to avoid? Follow the trail and see where it leads. The destination may surprise you.

Thoughts may be just thoughts, but they still ask to be witnessed. Burying them, distracting yourself, or allowing them to dissipate in the moment might feel like the right solution, but the energy doesn’t simply go away. It can eventually manifest into another form of energy such as an emotion or physical symptom. Or the thoughts will get louder until they feel seen.

So if something is distracting you or weighing heavily on the mind, watch it instead of trying to push through. Witness with love and compassion the ways in which your mind is trying to keep you safe. And if you find that a thought pattern isn’t serving you, see it, feel it, and say: Thank you for coming into my awareness, but I am no longer in alignment with this energy. I release you into the light to be transmuted for my highest good and for the highest good of all.

And remember, you are more powerful than the mind. ❤️