Mars in Scorpio


As I write this, Mars is in the last degree of Libra, getting ready to ingress into Scorpio where it will be until early January. Now, I love Libra, but Mars has been in its detriment here. Libra is all about the other, and the warrior planet doesn’t always know how to play nice in Libra without sacrificing self-care. The energy becomes unfocused and quickly burns out.

Scorpio, however, has no problem focusing on the self. And Mars is at home here: determined, passionate, intense, and not willing to unnecessarily compromise. This transit will help you see all of the obstacles that have been standing in the way of your personal power and self-worth.

Some things simply aren’t worth your time and energy. And sometimes the greatest act of self-love is knowing when something isn’t serving you and letting it go. Mars in Scorpio gives you the energy to walk away. And by doing so, you can transform unaligned circumstances into aligned embodiment.

Look deep into the energetic eyes of any karmic entanglement keeping you in the dark, and release your responsibility to keep this weight in your life.