Posts tagged honesty
Honoring your word

If you honor your word, you will build trust, develop lasting and meaningful relationships, create community, hold sacred space, manifest joy and prosperity, and elevate/expand your vibration.

Honoring your word means holding true to what you say and express — verbally or non-verbally, in writing or verbal communication. It means that your words, promises, and expressed intentions can be trusted by the recipient. They are a reflection of your highest self.

Your word is the energy from which all things are created through your vibrational field. Words that create a container to benefit self-only through manipulation or deception will create a negative shield that blocks prosperity and opportunity. And, if the recipient of deception takes their power back, the leaky container will drain prosperity until trust can be reestablished.

If your words don’t reflect your actual desires, then you are deceiving yourself, giving your power and joy away, and allowing the dishonest energy to linger in someone else’s field. Clear expression of your desires and intentions may cause temporary discomfort, but it will allow the energies of joy to reenter your field, and it will give others the power to create their own containers for prosperity.

Being true to your word is easy when your intention is for your highest good and the highest good of all. Meeting your commitments and responsibilities with honesty, grace, and truth creates a level of prosperity (i.e. the energy of attraction) that radiates from your auric field and invites opportunity from all directions.

If you want to protect your energy field from deception, say the following affirmations out loud: “I release all energies in and around my auric field that are not serving my highest good. My inner radiance creates an expansive and protective container that attracts prosperity and joy. I am keenly aware and discerning when someone is using their word for manipulative and deceptive purposes. I take my power back. I take my power back. I take my power back. And may it be so.”

Everything is energy, and truth/trust is a sacred key to that energy.