You have everything you need


Let go of the spell that you need anything outside of yourself to live your dream life. I’ve been in that trap before: wanting to create but believing I need something else for it to happen.

My greatest manifestations and creations often began with nothing. And when I have a dream — a goal — there are a few ways I’ve learned to test myself.

Am I willing to try it with the resources I have now? If not, is it because I don’t actually want it bad enough? Or is it because I don’t think I am enough or have enough? Because no amount of attainment or preparation is going to change those mindsets. If I’m not willing to do it now, I’ll never be willing unless I address my perceived self-worth and ask the difficult questions. Earlier this year I thought I needed a certain studio space to launch some new ideas and services. When the space seemed perpetually unavailable, I launched those services anyways and made it work. Then, like magic, the space became available at a crazy low price, and I no longer wanted it. Because I already have everything I need... I was just making excuses.

Do I feel comfortable speaking/sharing the dream with others? If not, is it because I don’t believe it will happen? Or I don’t actually want it? The phrase “I don’t want to jinx it” is affirming the belief in potential failure. If it doesn’t work out exactly like you imagine or you change your mind, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. If you’re worried about what other people think about your work or ideas, then you’re not really doing it for you. Speak your dreams and show the universe that you believe in yourself.

What is my core reason for wanting this? Can I attain that core need in other ways? Earlier this year I thought I wanted to finish up my master’s degree, when really I just wanted an “acceptable” excuse to set aside time for myself to explore new information and interests. (I can do that without enrolling in formal structured education, which I never enjoyed.) So after I did the work to get accepted into the program and transfer credits, I changed my mind. And I felt zero shame or failure about walking away from a degree (again). In fact, I was damn proud of myself.

Let go of the attachment that your dream needs to look a certain way. Do it because it’s what you love. Let it take whatever form and structure naturally unfolds. Do it for you, and do it now. There’s always a way if you want it badly enough.

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