Heart awakening


I had a dream last week that cracked my heart open. I had so much love, so much energy flowing through me that I was half in a state of bliss and half in a state of longing for this other world beyond the earthly plane that seemed impossible and inaccessible.

It wasn’t the first time.

This is different than samadhi. I’ve had those moments, too — these awakenings as if another eye is opening — realizing what I am and why I’m here. Often the sensation and awareness of oneness fades and integrates. It becomes like a DNA codec, a part of me always there but deactivated so that I can stay grounded in this realm. I don’t often talk about these things, because of the fear of being ostracized as crazy. A fear created from traumatic past life experiences of being persecuted and shamed, from childhood when I was mocked and alienated.

In fact, I remember a lot of things. I hear a lot of things. I know a lot of things. Many of you in my life are a part of my soul/dimensional memories. Many of you might, indeed, think I have a screw loose — might disregard what you know I am intellectually capable of and have been able achieve... and I don’t really care anymore.

I’m saying these things because a vast majority of you have had similar experiences. Many of you seek me or others out because you think you’re alone... but you’re not. To me, what’s alone is staying isolated in a construct of a limited matrix — quantum reductionism if you will — believing in the simplicity of cause/effect, control/outcome, process/solution, truth/assimilation. That’s not my world... anymore. And if you think that simplistic perception is the majority, I will have to disagree. Most of the people I know have experienced things, even crazier than me (and I have some c r a z y stories). It’s not a fairy tale. It’s an actual outcome of being in a multidimensional quantum reality. It’s time to awaken to the truth.

Not with your mind. Yes, you can open that channel with any number of tools and “medicines,” but this awakening happens in the heart. When you’re ready to experience actual LOVE — which is scary as shit, but the origin of everything you are and everything you can become. <3

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