What does TRUTH mean to you?


I’ve been exploring the theme of satya, or truth, all week — and through this practice, many deep conversations and insights have emerged. Authenticity, for example, often comes with difficult choices. Sometimes it’s easy to grasp onto things we think we want, or think we should want, but these attachments keep us from expressing authentically and expanding into truth. We spend so much time exploring the outer layers of personality, that the inner truth goes unnoticed. Lately I’ve been noticing my reactions to things/situations as keys to uncovering deep desires and truths that lie beneath the layers of conditioning, rather than dismissing those reactions as behavioral traits that need to be adjusted.

Authenticity doesn’t need to be proven. It simply is. You can grasp, hold on, define, attach — but the truth comes from releasing the story and simply allowing the radiance within to express. It’s the inner work of learning to be within and allow, and it’s the outer work of accepting how the self manifests and creates.

And when you feel it within, the “I AM,” can you be with that truth and love it unconditionally?

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