Welcome to the Cosmic Priestess Mystery School, a virtual yoga sanctuary where movement, seasonal astrology, ancient wisdom, and healing come together. This collection of offerings has been created by Mandi Garrison to help you tap into the cosmic rhythms — connecting you to the natural dance of the universe and guiding you to discover the deeper truths within your own soul.

Explore the beauty of each season through Mandi’s gentle and encouraging yoga practices. Every class is intuitively sequenced to match the changes in nature, offering movement, breathing exercises, and meditations that help you connect more deeply with the world around you and your inner self.

Mandi also offers monthly yoga workshops for deeper practice, Full Moon Healing Events for integration and renewal, and Cosmic Priestess Study Groups to explore spiritual wisdom together — all aligned with the planetary rhythms and the cycles of the Wheel of the Year.

I’m at a loss for words and full of feeling since I found you and this container you create! It’s been a pure joy and deep comfort to follow your videos and feel the effects in person. I am totally transforming into a version of me that I’ve always wanted.
— Nina

Cosmic Priestess Membership

ALL yoga classes, workshops, and courses are available as part of Mandi’s $33.33/month Patreon membership. If you attend all classes, you’ll save almost $200 every month — it’s an incredible value and comes with other amazing benefits! Click the button below and select the Cosmic Priestess Mystery School membership for $33.33/month to enroll and get your coupon codes. All class recordings are stored in the Patreon library for easy access and infinite replays.

Thank you so much for these practices! Soul changing. I feel so rooted in my body and my mind feels at peace. I don’t think I’d be stretching to the places I’m going, spiritually or physically, without the trust I have for you and this work. Thank you thank you thank you.
— Julia

2024 Theme: Chakras, Intuition, and Energy Healing

In 2024, we’ll be going deep into the chakras, uncovering the secrets to unlocking our intuition and accessing our natural healing abilities. Mandi's blend of experiential wisdom, intuitive insights, and embodied expertise will unveil new methods for accessing the chakras, far beyond what any book could teach.

2024 Monthly Themes

January: third eye chakra, clairvoyance (psychic vision), discernment and perception

February: cosmic gateway chakra, akashic records, higher consciousness

March: bindu chakra, dreams, hidden and ancient worlds

April: root chakra, life force energy, somatics, the sacred flame

May: earth star chakra, psychometry (psychic touch) ancient wisdom and magic

June: throat chakra, clairaudience (psychic hearing), telepathy, faerie realms

July: sacral chakra, clairsentience (psychic feeling), self-love, healing

August: solar plexus chakra, personal power, radiance, prosperity

September: thymus chakra, subtle energy, Reiki attunement

October: heart chakra, empathy (psychic emotion), karmic contracts, hands-on healing

November: soul star chakra, psychic clearing, transformation

December: crown chakra, claircognizance (psychic knowing), divine connection

I look forward to these classes every month, along with my monthly one on one with you. With the greatest gratitude.
— Edmund

Upcoming Cosmic Events

Enroll into the Cosmic Priestess Mystery School Patreon membership to get access to all of these events and recordings for just $33/month! You’ll also get access to Mandi’s entire library of yoga classes, as well as live weekly classes. This is a $700 monthly value! To join, visit Mandi’s Patreon page, and select the $33 Tier, titled Cosmic Priestess Mystery School.

Self-Study Courses

Weekly Yoga Classes

Sunday Stretch and Restore

Reconnect to yourself and restore/replenish your body with this vital and nourishing class. We will utilize deep and prolonged stretching, breath, meditation, restorative yoga, and subtle energy techniques to align with the theme of the week.

Cost: $11 or FREE with membership. (Membership also includes the class recording.)

Prana Shakti Hour

Tap into divine connection and healing life force energy with yoga and mindful movement. This class offers creative and intuitive sequencing to align with current cosmic energies — encompassing Mandi’s unique integration of vinyasa mandalas, kundalini, yin, breathwork, meditation, mudra, meridian-focused practices, energy healing, or wherever Spirit guides. Some yoga experience is helpful but not necessary to experience this all-levels class.

Cost: $11 or FREE with membership. (Membership also includes the class recording.)

Morning Meditation

Set up a weekly meditation routine with this FREE Wednesday morning live class. Mandi will guide you through a 15- to 30-minute meditation to align with the energies of the week. You’ll be finished in time for your workday.

Monthly Class Calendar

About Mandi

Mandi is an experienced yoga instructor in multiple traditions, registered with the Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 500 Hr instructor with thousands of hours of teaching experience. She was initiated as a Priestess in 2016 after years of study and mentorship (non-denominational), received a spiritual initiation in 2017 to become a High Priestess, and has continued her devotional journey on the priestess paths of Atlantis and Avalon.

She has been teaching the Wheel of the Year for nearly 10 years, and has decades of embodied wisdom in astrology, yogic philosophy, energy healing, shamanism, mythic cosmology, and more. Mandi’s devotion to Gaia is reflected in her love of nature and the outdoors. She currently resides in New England, where the seasons remain vibrant and alive.

Official Designations

  • E-RYT 500 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, 500+ training hours, 5,000+ hours of teaching experience)

  • YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider)

  • Kripalu Certified Yoga Teacher

  • Yoga Warriors International Instructor

  • Reiki Master Teacher, Usui Reiki

  • Reiki Master Teacher, Lightarian Institute

  • AngelLinks Facilitator, Lightarian Institute

  • Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) with advanced Crystal Master training

  • Initiated High Priestess

  • Daughter of Avalon

  • Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids